Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Walk For Life 2013.......

Walk for Life is officially this weekend!!!!! This walk is to support the Pregnancy Centers for all of the work they do.  The Pregnancy Centers help Mothers and their Babies with: Food, Clothes, Diapers, Ultrasounds, Birthing Plans, Financial Help, Educate and Train, Save Babies, and most importantly Lead People to Christ.  Our family will always be a part of these walks because they are very dear to our heart.  The first Walk for Life that we ever did, was last year.  I was pregnant with my first child in 2010 and it was one of the most difficult times for me.  In "my" plan I never wanted children.  I was scared, and didn't feel good enough, and just basically wanted to run in any and every direction.  I wanted to run from Carlos, myself, and the baby.  The first thought that entered my mind was " I have to get rid of this situation."  I started to research abortion clinics and wanted to know more about the procedures.  I was in such a panic about being pregnant that ANYTHING seemed better than actually having this child.  I didn't care what others thought about me, I didn't care about the consequences, I just wanted it to go away.  It was a battle of depression for me, I hit an all time low.  I can honestly tell you that I prayed for God to take me and my baby away.  The enemy had me right where he wanted me.  I had no hope, and thought my future was over.  After seeking Godly counsel, having people pray for me, Godly Mentors, I decided to not have an abortion and to have this baby.  It took me months to heal mentally, because I was so depressed.  I was in guilt and in shame and scared out of my mind.  Towards the end of my pregnancy I started to finally get excited to meet this little person.  I was so curious to see who this person is, and knew that this child was so special to God.  God fought for this child's life, because he had specific people minister to me with words from him to speak into my life.  I knew that God has an awesome will for this child, and that I must carry it out.  I ended up giving birth to a baby boy on 10-6-10, at 9:09pm, 9lbs, Gabriel Alexander.  I don't have any words to describe what it felt like to hold my baby boy.  It was even more special because I know that I almost robbed him of his life.  I would of robbed him of his first breathe.  I would of robbed him from feeling his mothers arms around him.  I would of robbed him from his father, Carlos.  Carlos would of never had the chance to meet his son.  I would of robbed him from ever having his "first" (giggle, laugh, smile, rolling over, crawling, walking, running, talking, favorite food, favorite show, birthdays, etc)  Most importantly I would of robbed him from God.  God had a specific Will for Gabriel, and I would of robbed it from God by killing him.  When I think of it now my first thought it, "Wow, how selfish was I?"  In the moment I truly didn't care, because I was only thinking of myself.  Gabriel is so special to me and will always be, because God fought for him.  I am so excited to see the plan God has for his life.  After I had Gabriel, I became a Life Coach at the Pregnancy Center.  I wanted to help other women who were scared and didn't know what they could do.  I wanted to tell them my story, and tell them about God and help them see that they don't need to kill anything.  I went through the training, and started having my first one-on-one sessions.  When I say that God sets up divine appointments, he does!!!!! My first appointment was a woman who had the exact same story that I had experienced with Gabriel.  So as I was saying earlier, last year was the first year we did the Walk for Life.  We were able to raise money to save babies, and we took Gabriel on his first Walk for Life.  It was so moving for me to where it brought me to tears on the walk.  I was doing the Walk for Life and literally looking at the little life next to me, that I almost killed.  Our country says abortion is a women's choice and right, so many women today are being deceived because it is "legal" so they feel it is acceptable.  Killing a baby is NEVER acceptable.  When did we come off playing God?  Then we try to argue that "certain weeks of a baby" are acceptable.  A life is a life!! If that Life is one day old, one week old, or one month old, it is a life!!!!  We need to pray for women who have had abortions, scared into having an abortion, or think it is ok.  Get involved!!! Join the Walk for Life through donations, volunteering, praying, or doing the walk.  Let us join hands and Praise God for EVERY life!!!!!

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