Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Opposite...

If you take a look around the world today you can clearly see a clear example of things we are to not do.  We can look at people at work, driving on the road, in stores, at movies, etc.  You can take a look around and see that everyone is all about thelmselves.  We have lost what it is like to truly care for one another in todays culture.  People now tend to act on impulse and go on feelings rather than thinking things through.  Somebody hurts us or offends us, then we have to get them back.  If somebody did us wrong, then we hold our heads high and don't offer any compassion back.  It seems like everyone is always in a rush in whatever they are doing, or wherever they are going.  Do you ever notice that?  Our microwave ready society has really taught us to depend highly on technology and not on real interaction with one another.  We can go days with not talking to someone face to face, we would just rather text or email.  This is ALL an example of what NOT to do!!! These are all examples of the OPPOSITE on how we are supposed to live.  Why are we in such a rush and stressed out?  We have ONE chance at this life.  None of us know when our time is or when our last day is.  We get too caught up in the word where we take things for granted and just assume we are waking up tomorrow.  How do we break this mind-set so we can truly appreciate life and what we have?  Two words.... The Bible.  Paul talks about a daily renewing of our mind.  We need to take our daily bread DAILY, we need to constantly be feeding ourselves the word of God.  We need to be reminded of how we are supposed to be in this world and what we are here for.  I challenge you today and this week:  Actually Stop and help someone-address someone by their name-reach out to someone that you haven't talked to in awhile-encourage someone with loving words.  Be a blessing for OTHERS and stop focusing on yourself!!! Do the OPPOSITE!

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