Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pray For One Another.....

This blog post is going to be short and to the point.  How many times can you honestly say that you have been in a situation and felt alone and needed prayer?  Have you asked for prayer from a close friend/relative/co-worker?  When you have asked for prayer has that person responded and prayed for you at that very moment?

We live in a generation today that is very self involved and many Christians today lack boldness.  Many Christians settle for the "normal" life and do not know how to properly exercise who they are IN Christ Jesus.  There have been many times when I needed prayer and the normal responses I have gotten were: "I will keep you in my prayers," "I will keep you in my thoughts," "Yes, I will pray for you." (And they walk away)  I do not want to judge anyone and I sincerely hope that when people say these popular phrases that they really are truly praying and interceding for that person that needs prayer.  Is it uncomfortable to pray out loud with someone?  Absolutely!!  Prayer is very intimate and many people are afraid of looking weird or not praying properly, etc.  The beauty is that God sees our heart and already knows what we are going to pray, so there is no need to try and "impress" him with fancy prayers.  The more you do something outside of your comfort zone, then the easier it becomes.  I can share a personal story that happened with myself that changed me forever.  I was pregnant with my second child at the time and someone close to us asked us for prayer for his wife who was sick in her bed, and of course my response was "Absolutely we will be praying for her."  As I walked away and went to work that day I noticed that the Holy Spirit was trying to speak to me during the day.  Something didn't sit right with me, and I could not figure out what it was.  I was finally able to figure out that I didn't like what happened that particular morning with how I responded.  Here my Husband and I were there with our friend and we could of prayed over his wife at that moment and we didn't.  I later went home and told my Husband that it bothered me that we didn't pray for her right when he asked for it, and that I let fear get the best of me that day.  I was shy and not used to exercising the boldness of who I am in Jesus Christ, and I chose to play it safe that day.  I vowed that I will NEVER let that happen again.  Jesus cannot FULLY use us unless we get BOLD for him and step outside of our comfort zone and get out of the boat and walk to him!!!  If a stranger needs prayer, I am locking hands at that moment with that person and praying out loud.  If a friend of mine needs prayer I am reaching out and praying out loud with that person.
When you truly understand the power of prayer and how it works, then you will want to do it at that EXACT moment!!!  I want to encourage other believers to step outside of your comfort zone and lift one another up in Christ.  We need to truly lift our brothers and sisters up and help one another.  Jesus calls us to do so, and we need to be stretched to our limits.  It is an absolute honor and privilege to be an ambassador for Christ and be battling for one another on the front line for him!!

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