Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We Are A Work In Progress........

We have to remember that in this life, we are a constant work in progress.  This means that we need to change our mentality of thinking "It is too late;" "Things are too bad."  Everyone has a past and everyone has baggage, but it doesn't mean we have to keep it.  We need to remember that we all have sin and come from the same place.  Nobody is better than anyone else.  The only person who could brag would be: Jesus, but he is too humble to do that.  We need to strip down the "expectations" we have built up in our minds of not being realistic.  We build up these imaginary things for people/things/goals/pleasures/etc.  When we make "life" all about living for these expectations then we end up making them idols and become slaves to them.  We are going to be constantly focused on them and never satisfied.  The enemy would love to get us in this cycle and keep us running around in circles.  When you pick up Gods Word you can see that are value is not based on what others say about us, it is based on what God says about us.  When we become saved we understand that the old man has passed away and we are a brand new creature in Christ Jesus.  This means all of those generational traits/cycles have been broken and die with you.  The traits will not pass onto your children.  Every morning when we look in the mirror we need to remind ourselves that we are BRAND NEW in Jesus, and that EACH MORNING we have a BRAND NEW FRESH START!  God gives new blessings each morning and he doesn't remember yesterday.  This should give us so much confidence that we can come boldly to him and make our requests known.  As long as we are alive we are never done and finished.  There are going to be days when we mess up but we can't stay in that messed up mentality and drag it out for days at a time.  There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus!!!!  We receive conviction from the Holy Spirit, but no condemnation.  If we start feeling this, we need to confess Gods Word out loud and shout "I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus."  It takes time to develop this boldness and recognizing attacks from the enemy but it is ok because we are a work in progress.  Jesus is not finished with us yet, so as long as we are breathing, he will continue to mold us.   The main key point of this message is to keep God first in every area of your life.  Keep him first individually/dating/married/family/work/friends/finances/etc.  He needs to be at the top of every area of your life.  He cannot be in certain areas and left out of certain areas.  In order to receive Gods blessing and be in his perfect will, he needs to be at the center of our life.  If you are reading this and this message is speaking to you, there is good news: You can make changes and start right now!! You can start making God first in your life and start making him important.  We are a work in progress so there is time to make changes!!!  Forget your past, Keep your head up and eyes fixed on our risen Savior!!!

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