Monday, March 4, 2013

The Bible- The new series on the History Channel

This blog wanted to be about the new series "The Bible" that just started on the History Channel on 3/3/13.  I wanted to write this blog on what I thought of the first episode of this series.  I have seen several bible shows back in the day and the characters were always really old or funny looking, and the acting was really hard to relate to.  When I would see shows it would make me laugh at the characters because it was always done poorly.  I honestly can't see a non-believer sitting down and seeing these poorly made bible shows and actually taking Jesus seriously.  So when I first saw that the History channel was airing this new series, I was excited to check it out because the previews looked like scenes out of the wonderful movie, "Gladiator."  So my husband and I eagerly waited for this showing last night, and of course we had to watch it later because we had to put the kids to sleep, so we ended up finishing the show at 11pm.  The show started out in Genesis with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, etc.  It was very cool to have read the bible and then see it "acted" out.  It was exciting because with each scene I knew what was going to happen, so I was excited to see how they were going to show the scene.  The characters were intense, the acting was at it's best, and the fighting scenes had power behind them.  I was literally on the edge of my seat in suspense and Carlos was blown away as well.  We look forward to when Jesus comes on the scene and see the rest of the Bible brought to life.  I honestly believe that everyone needs to see this series, I highly recommend it.  I guarantee it will not be boring, and you will actually have a understanding as the Bible is acted out in this series.  So if you never read the Bible, then this series will motivate you because it acts it out, and then when you start the Bible while you are reading you will remember the characters in the series, and identify them as real people and feel like you know them.  The part last night that brought me to tears was when Abraham took his son Isaac up to the mountain to sacrifice him to God.  When I first read this in Genesis I was balling like a baby because I played out a visual in my head of how hard it must of been for a father to be so obedient to God and putting him before his son.  I sitting and asking myself "Wow, what if Abraham wasn't able to be obedient?"  He needed to have his faith tested and prove that he truly loved God with all of his heart.  I am so thankful for Abraham and that I am part of that family now.  Another part that blew my mind was when the egyptians were chasing the israellites and moses went to part the Red Sea.  The way he shouted to God and the authority he took with the Faith he  had in God, gave me goosebumps.  Please I encourage you to tune into this new series on Sunday nights at 8pm on the History Channel.  You will be on the edge of your seat, and you will fall in love with what Our Savior did for us.  You will see what a loving God we serve, and how EVERYTHING is in his hands and in His Control.


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