This is a personal post on how I have felt the heavy presence of God. This is speaking from my point of view, so it can vary for each person and God can speak to you in different ways. I was seeking God last night and he revealed something to me that I wanted to share with everyone. I wanted to talk about "Faith." First, I would like to give a definition in the dictionary of what it defines "Faith" as: Complete trust or confidence in something or someone. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. This is the definition of "Faith." I am now going to look at the Biblical definition of "Faith" : Hebrews 11:1 says " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This is the biblical definition of "Faith." Now I am going to give my personal definition of faith, which was revealed to me last night from God. I was in my prayer closet last night and was praying to God through the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues and God enlightened me on this very subject. Praying to God in the Holy Spirit is faith exercised to it's fullest!! Here you are completely relying on God and the Holy Spirit on what to pray for. You have complete trust in God and you let the Holy Spirit intercede and let the Holy Spirit have a direct conversation with God. You are in FULL obedience and praying Gods Perfect Will. You feel the absolute peace of Jesus and it covers you like a warm blanket. I prayed to God through the Holy Spirit for awhile last night and when I was done praying, I felt absolute peace and knew that things were happening in the Spiritual Realm. My husband and I truly connected in an intimate in-depth conversation and we were really able to touch base. I know it was all because I experienced the Heavy presence of God and knew that Jesus was present in a way like never before. It was revealed to me that in order to walk in faith in full obedience it is praying in the Spirit. It is being led by the Spirit of God and not second guessing yourself because Gods Perfect Will is being prayed. The best thing I can share about this is that Satan is not allowed to interrupt this type of prayer. When you pray "normal" your mind can wander and drift on many different types of interruptions. You can be in the middle of praying and start to think about certain things that need to get done around the house. You can lose your train of thought and forget what you were praying about. The enemy knows how to interrupt our prayers and gets us to lose focus. When you are praying in the Spirit, the enemy does not know what you are saying because he doesn't understand the prayer language. You are able to seek God 100% with NO interruptions!! You will have clarity about things that you have been struggling with, and you will experience the presence of God. So I want to encourage you to seek God daily and pray in the Spirit. It will be another level of intimacy with God that you will experience, and you will fall in love with God even more.
I truly enjoyed your blog post and I feel that you are 100 accurate and that is why I feel that there is only a very few who ever really get to ever experienced the fullness of the presence of the Lord
ReplyDeleteYes, remember that we only see things dimly. 1 Corinthians 13:12 says "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." It is so important that we stay humble before the Lord and remember that we were once sinners and in need of a Savior. We need to have that same compassion towards the lost and un-saved. We need to pray for one another that each and every person experiences a true encounter with Our Lord and Savior before he returns!! Thanks so much Alexander for the feedback!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!