Saturday, January 25, 2014

Trusting God 100%

This is something that I struggle with at times because my "trust level" fluctuates.  One day I can trust God 100% and then the next day I can trust him 50%.  In my personal opinion, I feel "trust" is one of the hardest traits to perfect.  It is in our human nature to ride the roller coaster of emotions and let things and feelings dictate our trust level.  As long as things are good and in our control, then we have no problem trusting God.  The moment things get out of our control or the unexpected happens, then we are asking God why, and are trust levels go down.  There is no quick fix for this, because each day is a new day.  I believe that the longer you walk with the Lord then the better at this you will be.  The more things God brings you to and through, then you are able to trust him because you see him prevail EVERY SINGLE TIME!!  I have noticed in my life that if I am having a hard time and I find myself not trusting God fully, I am able to see that I haven't been reading his word enough.  Remember in Ephesians we are supposed to have the ENTIRE Armor of God on at ALL times!!  If I am getting attacked and I am not properly dressed then I am going to be hit hard by the attack and feel it, and it will take me longer to bounce back.  If I was filled up with the Word of God then I would be able to speak to the attacker and distinguish the attacks with the shield of faith that quenches EVERY fiery dart from the evil one.  Recently, I found myself having anxiety and fear and God enlightened me and let me know that I need to be in the Word more and I need to discipline myself.  I want to 100% trust God and not struggle with this.  I understand that on my part I need to be in the Word and be meditating on scriptures throughout the day and I need to seek him and listen for him.  I was talking with my Husband last night and I told him that I want to be so sensitive to the Holy Spirit because I don't want to miss anything that God has for me. If God is telling me to move, I want to move right when he tells me.  This should be every one's goal!!  So are you having a hard time trusting God?  Are you in the Word enough?  Do you have too many distractions?  Maybe you need to Fast and seek God one on one!!
The Bible talks about Fasting, and this is something you do when you want breakthrough on a situation.  Many people will give up something important to them, and that is it.  I will break it down in simple terms.  You are supposed to Fast something that means alot to you. It could be a certain food, technology, drink, hobby, etc.  So if you are fasting for God and believing revelation from him, this is what you are doing.  You are taking the "thing" you are fasting and saying: "God, I am giving up _______ for you, and I am going to dedicate the time I spent on this and double the time with you.  I am going to call on you and lean on you 24/7 during the ENTIRE fast."  When you are fasting you should be seeking God more than you have before and be in the Word more than before.  Also, do not put on display for everyone to know that you are fasting.  When you fast it is a sacrifice to God and it is intimate, there is to be no complaining because it is a pleasure to offer it up to him.  Maybe you haven't heard this before, and now you understand the simple version of Fasting.
  I am personally going to dedicate more time with the Lord because I want to hear from him and I do not want to get caught off guard from the enemy.  Are you married?  Do you have family?  Sit down with one another and talk about Fasting together as a family and praying together as a family.  Cover each other in prayer and lift up one another.  There have been many times that I ask my Husband to pray over me because I know I need prayer, and there are times I am weak.  I have said this over and over in my blogs, but I will say it again.  NOBODY is alone!! We are ALL in this Faith Walk Together!! We have brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!! We can lock arms with one another and lift each other up!!!!  Jesus carries our burdens on his back, so surrender your pain/baggage/weakness/etc,  Humans are weak and we aren't meant to suffer alone.  Run to Jesus and trust him FULLY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, I’ve been going through the same being attacked with doubt about A situation. God protected me through it but the what if he didn’t pops up. I know he did but when the doubt thought tries to enter I rebuke them but they’re still annoying.
