Monday, March 18, 2013

The Bible (Part 3)

This post is a review of the series last night: The Bible, on the History Channel.  The episode last night covered Daniel, and also covered Joseph and Mary.  It also showed the birth of Jesus and it showed John the Baptist baptizing others (and even Jesus), and then it showed Peter fishing and Jesus helping him.  There was a scene where it also showed Jesus being tempted in the desert by Satan.  I have pros and cons about this episode and I will explain.  In the beginning it covered Daniel, and I thought they did a good job showing the King and the scene where they were thrown into the fire was very powerful.  The scene when Daniel was in the lions den was also very intense, at times the lions looked real, not fake.  My disappointment was how fast they rushed through Daniel and how they left out alot of things from the Bible.  They showed the Babylonian empire, the Median - Persian empire, then they completely left out Greece (with Alexander the Great) and skipped right to Rome.  In this episode it really felt rushed and there were lots of gaps that didn't connect.  As for Joseph and Mary I also wished they would of shown them more and highlighted the birth of our Savior.  Once again everything was so rushed to where it was sped through. Two of my most favorite scenes were: 1)Jesus being tempted by Satan and 2) John the Baptist baptizing Jesus.  During the temptation of Jesus as the devil was speaking and tempting him, they showed Jesus's thought pattern as Satan was trying to tempt him.  I thought the director did an excellent job of this, because it reminded me that Jesus was human and when "humans" are tempted or given opportunities we always have a snapshot of how our life would be if we took that, or how much different it would be.  This scene really put it into perspective for me, and reminded me how humble Jesus was to become human and do what he did.  I loved during the baptism when John was baptizing everyone and he sees Jesus and asks him to baptize him, Jesus just walks in the water and asks for John to baptize him.  Once again, a beautiful illustration of Jesus humbling himself again.  I couldn't imagine having Jesus come up to me and ask me to baptize him, what an honor!!!!  My husband highly enjoyed the scene where Peter was introduced on the scene and the relationship you see begin between Jesus and Peter.  He thought that scene was clever and believable.  So as you can see, I had good things to say and even some bad things about this episode.  I look forward to the next episode and interested to see how they are going to cover everything in just 2 more episodes.  The only thing I want to stress is, If you haven't read the Bible or don't read the Bible, this show is not a substitution for it.  The Bible is the REAL deal, it is Gods living Word, and as you can see from above, this series has left ALOT of things out.  When I was watching this last night, for some reason I felt I needed to share this.  I can see people watching this series and saying "Oh wow, I watched the series, so now I know whats in the Bible and I don't need to read it."  If you enjoy this series, then it should intrigue you to open the Word because there is sooooo much left out.  You should want to know EVERYTHING, and want to know the truth of the gospel. 

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