Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

The reason for this early post is because I wanted this concept to soak in a bit for everyone.  I know people recognize when Mothers Day is, and always make it a point to make that day special for Mothers.  My idea was to write a blog about Mothers Day and then when the actual day comes around, people will have a deeper concept of this day and realize how special this day is.  There are so many kinds of Mothers today: Birth Mothers, Grandmothers, Adoptive Mothers, Surrogate Mothers, Foster Mothers, Heavenly Mothers, Church Mothers, and many other types of Mothers.  Being a Mother is such a spiritual blessing from God.  He has placed a human life in our body and we help nurture and support a human life for 9 months.  God has a plan and purpose for that child.  That child is alive and placed here on this earth because God has a divine plan for that child to fulfill.  God has handpicked us to raise our children.  This is such a blessing that sometimes gets taken for granted because we look around and see SOOOO many Mothers.  Each Mother can remember how excited they were when they found out they were pregnant.  The feeling of having a little person growing inside of you is such a special bond that can't be explained.  We have this excitement in our spirit that God has entrusted us with this little life.  In our society today, you can see that excitement wear off when children become older and you can hear some people talk about their children almost as if they are a burden.  This is something we need to DAILY remind ourselves that our children and straight from the Lord and he has trusted us with their lives.  We are responsible for how they turn out and who they become.  Are they going to be a godly man and a godly woman?  Are they going to bring Glory to Gods Name?  Are they going to be set apart from the world?  We have a duty and responsibility to raise up our children for the glory of God.  I saw something on television that showed a little 4-5 year old girl that was talking about "kicking her brothers butt so he wouldn't do it first."  The parents in this video were laughing and thought this was so cute and funny.  This is just a small example of what NOT to do.  We can not edify this type of behavior.  We must correct and raise up our children in a godly manner.  It is not cute to have children use bad language, it is not cute to have children quote un-godly songs, and especially not cute to have children dress in an un-godly manner.  I wanted to emphasize this because I want parents to get that "newness" back from when they first found out that they were expecting a child.  We need to renew our minds that our children need to be pleasing to Our Lord.  Our children are not "Ours."  God created us and our children so we are HIS.  We need to do the best job possible as parents.  Our children need to come from loving homes where there is unity between the mother and father and no violence.  There is already TOO much violence in our world today, so let us at least get a hold of our household and stop it there!!  Make Mothers Day a big day for Mothers!!! Let them know how much you appreciate them and how thankful you are for them.  Let it not be just one day, but EVERYDAY!!! Call your mother and tell her how much you love her.  Call her on a daily basis and edify her and build her up.  Mothers, set a standard of how "love" is in the home, and express it to your children and to your husband.  Be the heart of the home.  Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  Let the mothers set godly morals and standards.  Husbands, Be the leader in the home.  Lead your entire household in a godly manner, and love your wife as Christ Jesus loves the church.  Be the most sacrificial and always turn the other cheek.  Children, respect and honor your parents.  Your parents have sacrificed ALOT to make sure you stay safe and healthy and secure.  Always appreciate them, no matter HOW OLD YOU GET!!!  Instead of waiting for the official "Mothers Day" start right now!!!  Start thanking the Mothers in your life, who have impacted you!!!  Let us edify and exalt all of the Mothers all over the World today!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!

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