Friday, March 1, 2013

Walking by FAITH.....

Believers have heard the term of walk by faith, not by sight.  What does that mean?  Lets look at the definition of faith:
  1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
Now lets look at the definition of sight:
The faculty or power of seeing.
Manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of.

       So we are going to disect "sight" first.  This is something that we can actually experience today before our very eyes.  Some of us have been blessed with sight and being able to see.  This is one of our senses that we have as human beings.  We are able to see objects, people, shapes, colors, read, watch tv, etc. We don't have to think about our sight because we just open our eyes and we have it.  The term people say is "seeing is believing."  If we walk outside and we look up and see storm clouds coming in, our eyes give us the idea that it is going to rain and storm soon, even if the weather channel predicts no rain, our eyes would tell us differently and we would trust them. 
     So now lets go to "Faith."  If we go by the definition above it says complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and based on a spiritual apprehension rather than proof.  So here we have 100% trust in something that we don't need proof to believe.  People will ask us about our faith, and we can tell them until we are blue in the face, but when someone wants proof and facts, sometimes we are able to present bits and pieces of proof but for the most part it is just by faith, not by sight. Now God gives us our testimonies to where that is living proof that others can relate with today.  We can tell others on what our faith has done for us and how God has directed us by our faith to where we are today and to where we are going. 
     There is one strong point I want to really bold for a moment:  Now earlier I said sight is something we can see and use to read with.  Well if we pick up the Bible and read then our sight sense can pick up what faith is and then the rest is up to God.  As earlier above it says that faith is something that is based whether or not there is proof.  Well in the Bible there is proof that the Word of God is REAL and truth because in the Bible those who have read and study it, know that events have been predicted 100 - to 300 years ahead of time.  We have been studying Daniel on Wednesday Nights and in the Book of Daniel he was able to predict future events of empires and how they would fall and who would take over them.  The people did not know how he was doing this and thought this was impossible, but once again look at this: With God NOTHING is Impossible with him.  God used Daniel and he was obedient and here if people want "their proof" the bible has prooved itself time and time again. 
           So when we say we walk by Faith not by sight this is because: we know Gods word and we believe everything in it.  We know when God says he has done and when he WILL do, we don't need to ask for proof or the why's and how comes.  We know God is the only living true source of life in this world.  We know that he is LOVE because he sent his Son Jesus to die for us, so we know we are special to him.  We know he gave his son for us to have an abundant life, so we place our lives in his hands and ask him to lead.  We know he will NEVER leave us or forsake us no matter what is going on around us.  We can truly rest in God and not have worries about tomorrow because we know they are in HIS hands and control.  HOw do we achieve all of this? Because we walk by FAITH not by SIGHT. 

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