This is a question I ask myself all the time: Is the Church much different from the World? When you look at the Bible and what the church is supposed to represent (Christ) this is where the church needs to be at. Now what did Christ represent? He was sacrifice, unconditional love, forgiveness, understanding, peace, unity, kindness, etc. When you look at the world everyone thinks it revolves around themselves and that people should cater to their needs and feelings. In the world it is : How can I get ahead?" In the Church do you see the same spirit? In the Church we should be representing Christ, because we are placed in Christ, so that should only be natural. This blog is for the church. When you go to church do you act the way you do at church and at home? If you have a fight with your spouse before church, do you act like everything is fine in church? Do you judge others in church? Are you quick to reach out to someone who needs prayer? These are questions "the church" needs to ask itself. If Christ sees someone suffering, did he judge or was he quick to reach out a hand? Women need to reach out to women, Men need to reach out to men. I understand it is easier for women to be open and share, but Men need to get past that "barrier" of trying to be tough and not share the sensitive side. We are all humans we all have pain and hurt, we need to get past that pride and get real with one another. Do you share your testimony with others? Are you looking for ways to get involved and serve? Are you bold with praying for others? These once again are questions the church needs to ask itself. Christ says we are to be known by our fruits, and if we dont have any fruits and look just like the world, then how are we any different? Please I beg you church, start having a heart for others, there are so many people suffering in the church that have nobody to reach out to. If we take our eyes off of ourselves for a few moments we see people struggling and God can actually use us to lift one another up. In the church there should be nobody struggling, but that isn't the case today. There should be so many people praying for one another, helping one another, checking in with one another, to where the love of Christ would be spilling over from one to the next. If you are just the type to "attend" church and get your food for the day and leave, then I am sorry but that is selfish. It is all about you, and what you can get. We need to get bold in our faith walk, and actually lift our hands and say "USE ME GOD/" I challenge you next time you go to church look for someone to bless, look for someone new to meet, go up to someone and ask "can i pray for you?" Better than that say: I would like to pray for you today, any requests? I challenge you, Men and Women of God, be bold and go to another brother/sister in Christ and actually be a disciple of Christ
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