Monday, March 25, 2013

The Bible...Part 4

As you all know I have been writing reviews for the new series "The Bible" on the History Channel.  Well last night was Episode 4, which means there is one episode left and it ends on Easter. In this episode  Jesus feeds the crowds in Galilee and brings a dead man, Lazarus, back to life; Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey–a declaration that he is the Messiah; Jesus turns on the money-changers in the Temple; Caiphas coaxes Judas into betraying Jesus; Jesus throws the disciples into turmoil at the Last Supper; Jesus is arrested and condemned to death as the disciples scatter. The repeats of this episode are listed below.
Upcoming Airings:
  • March 25, 2013 - 12:01-02:01AM
  • March 27, 2013 - 09:00-11:02PM
  • March 28, 2013 - 01:01-03:03AM
  • March 30, 2013 - 10:00-12:02AM
  • March 31, 2013 - 02:01-04:03AM
  • March 31, 2013 - 06:00-08:00PM

So as you can see from above this episode was packed with lot's of amazing scenes taken from the Bible.  A few of the scenes that stood out to me was when Jesus brought Lazarus back to life.  The gentle touch and voice he had during that scene was so beautiful and loving.  My husband and I absolutely loved the "Last Supper" scene with all the disciples.  You could physically see the pain that Jesus was about to face, and knowing the truth of what was going to happen.  Then when Jesus mentions that all the disciples would fall away and that one would even betray him, was speechless to see.  You could see in all the disciples faces that they really believed they would stick by their Savior until the end, and they were in disbelief that it would happen.  The part that stuck out to my husband was the betrayal by Judas, and how Jesus just called him out on it and said to go do it quickly.  What a mighty strength Jesus had.  This episode was a reminder on how Jesus knows EVERYTHING and IS LOVE.  He loves people so much and serves his heavenly father, and this angers people so much.  You could see all the Pharisees jealousy and were upset that the spotlight wasn't on them.  Satan played huge in this episode with all the pride that were in the people.  I honestly believe the Pharisees knew how powerful and amazing God is that they expected the most almighty ruling king.  I think that is why they didn't believe that God would humble himself the way he did by coming in on a donkey and spending time with the sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes.  I think they thought that Gods Son would only hang with the wealthiest and powerful.  Once again another amazing reminder on how much Jesus humbled himself, to come down to our level.  The next episode is the last episode, and the most important episode.  It is where Jesus will be crucified on the cross and where he rises from the dead.  Jesus dying on the cross for you and for me demonstrates how much he loves us.  I know you would lay down your life for a family member, but how about for a stranger?  How about for someone who is causing you great pain and hurting you?  This is what Jesus did, he died while we were still sinners and didn't know him or accept him.  So please tune into this final episode and see how amazing Jesus is by dying for us on the cross.  See him get the keys back from hades and how we conquers death.  He is the way the truth and the life, and nobody comes to the father except through him.  There is only one way to Heaven and that is through his son Jesus Christ.

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