If Christ is your Lord and Savior, then guess what??? You are a NEW person now. You have a NEW image now. You have a NEW name now. All the old has passed away, and you are made brand new. Your old self has died and you have now been raised in Christ Jesus. Now when you go out, you do not only go out for yourself or your own cause. You now go out for Christ's cause, you go out to glorify HIM. You are now an ambassador of the Most High. We get to now represent Christ all over the world. We get to walk and reach the lost with the gospel, we get to heal, we get to do everything Christ Jesus did. Now guess what? We are not meant for this world, so the world will not like us and they will not accept us. They will call us crazy, make fun of us, etc. It is ok, because this is not our home and we work for HIS will and work to glorify HIM. Was Christ Jesus accepted in the world? NO!!! He was actually put to death for saying he was the Messiah. So if the world didn't accept Christ himself, then why would they accept his ambassadors? They don't!!! Do you see someone getting ahead at work and doing it the wrong way? It's ok, do not get bitter, God has an appointed time for YOUR promotion. We are not "made" to be on top of this world, because we were not made for "this" world. The devil is the king of this world, so the evil will prosper. Now remember this key sentence: God is in control of EVERYTHING, NOTHING is out of HIS control. He blesses and curses. The most amazing thing about God is that he can take what the enemy meant for harm, and turn it around for good and glorify him. We have a short time on this earth, we do not know when our time is up, so it is important to do it Gods Way. Eternity is FOREVER, and there are lost souls that NEED to be reached and ministered to. There is going to be a day when each person is going to have an account for their life before God, what will you have to show for? Did you use all of your talents that God gave you? Were you selfish with your blessings? Did you reach the poor and hungry? Most importantly who do you serve? Do you serve money? Idols? Satan? God? People? There is only ONE that you can serve. It must be God!!! I encourage you today, if you have not commited your life to Christ Jesus and this message is pulling on your heart, please make a change today. Do not ignore the Holy Spirit, he is drawing you to your Savior. Today is the day to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. The way to do this is to admit that you are a sinner and that you can't do it on your own anymore and that you are done doing it, then believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and that he died for you and rose again and that he is Gods Son, and then confess it with your mouth, be a witness to others. When one sinner repents and turns over to Christ, there is a party in Heaven over you with all the angels. Christ loves you so much, when you ask Christ "How much do you love me?" Christ says "this much" and stretches his arms out and lays his life down on the cross for you and dies for you!!! Now this is true love!!! So please I encourage you today, to give your life to Christ Jesus. I am giving my email address, please email me if you need prayer, have questions, etc. My email is zlkaty@aol.com In the subject line just write "blog" and that way I will know to read it!!!
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