Today we celebrate Good Friday! Today is when we remember that Jesus died for us on the cross and that he did it for mankind.
Last night, was The Last Supper and the Garden of Gethesemane. I was overwhelmed with a great amount of grief last night, trying to imagine what that night was like. Now I have been a Christian in and out of Gods Word and Church a good amount of my life, but I can honestly say this has been the first time in my life where I took the time and acknowledged that very special night. I imagined them all sitting down and having their last meal together on earth. I thought of the anguish Jesus faced while trying to explain to his disciples what was going to happen that night and the next day. Here the disciples walked with Jesus as he did his ministry here on earth, and now they were being told that he was leaving them. I could imagine the questions and confusion, and the tears. I think of Judas who Satan tempted with money in exchange for Christ, and here Jesus knew EVERYTHING and it was STILL a part of Gods Master Plan.
After the Supper Jesus makes his way to the Garden to pray to his Father. Jesus had so much anguish and anxiety, to where it says his sweat became drops of blood. The medical condition that Jesus had was hematohidrosis. Dr. Frederick Zugibe (Chief Medical Examiner of Rockland County, New York) explains the details of this medical condition. Around the sweat glands, there are multiple blood vessels in a net-like form.” Under the pressure of great stress the vessels constrict. Then as the anxiety passes “the blood vessels dilate to the point of rupture. The blood goes into the sweat glands.” As the sweat glands are producing a lot of sweat, it pushes the blood to the surface - coming out as droplets of blood mixed with sweat. Here Jesus KNEW everything that was going to happen to him, he knew EVERY TINY detail. We are humans and we are sinful to where we literally have to live one minute to the next because we don't know what is going to happen. Jesus could see the entire picture, so he knew every beat, whip,punch, kick, stab, that would happen. This is why he was in such agony and anguish because he was human so he was going through the emotions that we go through. I really pray that you all had a night like I did last night. I hope you had quiet time with Jesus and talked with him about what that night must of been like.
Today is Good Friday to where we know he was crucified today. Jesus is held in prison, seen before the High Priests during the night, and then goes to trial. He is found guilty and the punishment they choose is Crucifixion. I want to go into detail now on what happened today. First Jesus was "flogged" he was tied to a post and receives whips by a flagrum over his entire back. This flagrum was a tool the Roman Soldiers used that had small pieces of bone and metal attached to leather strands. When this happens the skin on the back is separated to where the muscle and bone is exposed to where there is major blood loss.
The Soldiers then strip him naked and put a robe on him and start to mock him. They fix a crown of thorns for him and put them right on Jesus's head. They spit on him and took a staff and hit him over the head again and again. Jesus had a crown of thorns on his head that could of been 1-2 inches thick of each thorn. With each beating on the head, it would drive the thorns deeper into his scalp and head. It mentions that Jesus was beaten so badly, that he didn't even resemble a man anymore.
Jesus now has to walk to where he is going to be crucified. He has to walk to Golgotha. The path that Jesus walked with the cross was:an estimated 650 yards. The cross that he carried was probably around 80 to 110 lbs. Jesus could no longer carry the weight of the cross so he fell down. With each fall the cross would then fall on top of him and crush him.
Jesus is now at the site to be crucified. The Cross is now layed on the ground and Jesus is laid on top of it to where they are getting the nails to put into his flesh. The nails were about 7 inches long and a diameter of 1 cm that were driven into the wrists. He then had the nails driven into his feet as they stood the cross up.
Now this position to be crucified in was an awkward position since the cross was standing up and he had nails in his hands and feet. This position would of caused dislocation of shoulder and elbow joints. Here is the process of what would happen to a person that was crucified.
In Death by Crucifixion it was slow suffocation. There was shallowness of breathe because small areas of the lung collapse. There is decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide that causes acidic conditions in the tissues. Then there is fluid build up in the lungs. The heart is then stressed and eventually fails.
While Jesus was on the cross and when he died there was darkness over the land from noon to three. While Jesus was on the cross there were two men next to him that were criminals. The soldiers came to the man next to Jesus and broke his legs so he could not push up on the cross and take a good breathe of air. (This was a normal thing to do during crucifixion) They made their way to Jesus and saw that he was already dead so they didn't do it on him. The soldiers took a spear and pierced Jesus's side and out flowed blood and water
Last night, was The Last Supper and the Garden of Gethesemane. I was overwhelmed with a great amount of grief last night, trying to imagine what that night was like. Now I have been a Christian in and out of Gods Word and Church a good amount of my life, but I can honestly say this has been the first time in my life where I took the time and acknowledged that very special night. I imagined them all sitting down and having their last meal together on earth. I thought of the anguish Jesus faced while trying to explain to his disciples what was going to happen that night and the next day. Here the disciples walked with Jesus as he did his ministry here on earth, and now they were being told that he was leaving them. I could imagine the questions and confusion, and the tears. I think of Judas who Satan tempted with money in exchange for Christ, and here Jesus knew EVERYTHING and it was STILL a part of Gods Master Plan.
After the Supper Jesus makes his way to the Garden to pray to his Father. Jesus had so much anguish and anxiety, to where it says his sweat became drops of blood. The medical condition that Jesus had was hematohidrosis. Dr. Frederick Zugibe (Chief Medical Examiner of Rockland County, New York) explains the details of this medical condition. Around the sweat glands, there are multiple blood vessels in a net-like form.” Under the pressure of great stress the vessels constrict. Then as the anxiety passes “the blood vessels dilate to the point of rupture. The blood goes into the sweat glands.” As the sweat glands are producing a lot of sweat, it pushes the blood to the surface - coming out as droplets of blood mixed with sweat. Here Jesus KNEW everything that was going to happen to him, he knew EVERY TINY detail. We are humans and we are sinful to where we literally have to live one minute to the next because we don't know what is going to happen. Jesus could see the entire picture, so he knew every beat, whip,punch, kick, stab, that would happen. This is why he was in such agony and anguish because he was human so he was going through the emotions that we go through. I really pray that you all had a night like I did last night. I hope you had quiet time with Jesus and talked with him about what that night must of been like.
Today is Good Friday to where we know he was crucified today. Jesus is held in prison, seen before the High Priests during the night, and then goes to trial. He is found guilty and the punishment they choose is Crucifixion. I want to go into detail now on what happened today. First Jesus was "flogged" he was tied to a post and receives whips by a flagrum over his entire back. This flagrum was a tool the Roman Soldiers used that had small pieces of bone and metal attached to leather strands. When this happens the skin on the back is separated to where the muscle and bone is exposed to where there is major blood loss.
The Soldiers then strip him naked and put a robe on him and start to mock him. They fix a crown of thorns for him and put them right on Jesus's head. They spit on him and took a staff and hit him over the head again and again. Jesus had a crown of thorns on his head that could of been 1-2 inches thick of each thorn. With each beating on the head, it would drive the thorns deeper into his scalp and head. It mentions that Jesus was beaten so badly, that he didn't even resemble a man anymore.
Jesus now has to walk to where he is going to be crucified. He has to walk to Golgotha. The path that Jesus walked with the cross was:an estimated 650 yards. The cross that he carried was probably around 80 to 110 lbs. Jesus could no longer carry the weight of the cross so he fell down. With each fall the cross would then fall on top of him and crush him.
Jesus is now at the site to be crucified. The Cross is now layed on the ground and Jesus is laid on top of it to where they are getting the nails to put into his flesh. The nails were about 7 inches long and a diameter of 1 cm that were driven into the wrists. He then had the nails driven into his feet as they stood the cross up.

Now this position to be crucified in was an awkward position since the cross was standing up and he had nails in his hands and feet. This position would of caused dislocation of shoulder and elbow joints. Here is the process of what would happen to a person that was crucified.
In Death by Crucifixion it was slow suffocation. There was shallowness of breathe because small areas of the lung collapse. There is decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide that causes acidic conditions in the tissues. Then there is fluid build up in the lungs. The heart is then stressed and eventually fails.
While Jesus was on the cross and when he died there was darkness over the land from noon to three. While Jesus was on the cross there were two men next to him that were criminals. The soldiers came to the man next to Jesus and broke his legs so he could not push up on the cross and take a good breathe of air. (This was a normal thing to do during crucifixion) They made their way to Jesus and saw that he was already dead so they didn't do it on him. The soldiers took a spear and pierced Jesus's side and out flowed blood and water
Please today look at the clock and let us remember what happened today. Jesus went through all of this pain for you and for me. If you were the only person on earth, Jesus would of still went through this. He loves us that much that he died for us WILLINGLY. Let us remember what happens 3 days later. Jesus defeats death. Jesus rises from the dead, we now have an open relationship with our Heavenly Father again. We can come boldly into the throne room and be in his presence. You need to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior to have this kind of relationship. There is only one way to Heaven and that is through Lord Jesus Christ. So I encourage you, if the Holy Spirit is pulling on your heart after reading this, give your life to Christ today!!! Today can be the first day for the rest of your life. Let us remember what Easter means, and what happened on Easter. Satan wants to put the attention on a bunny and an egg hunt. That is NOT what Easter is about. Educate yourselves and your children what happened on Easter and what Jesus did. Let us celebrate him rising from the dead.
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