Monday, December 30, 2013

Walking In Full Obedience.....

Let us look up the word "Obedience" in the dictionary and see the definition.  In the dictionary it says: Compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.  So to be obedient we need to be under someones authority that we must submit to and lower ourselves to follow. So this means that we cannot be our own Masters of authority.  If we are Masters of ourselves then we wouldn't need to be obedient because we would be calling the shots and making the rules.  So when we read the Bible we read that Jesus says we are to follow him and deny ourselves daily!! So if we are to deny ourselves and follow someone then this means that he becomes Our Leader and he says what to do, and we follow.  We no longer try to talk over him and make the rules.  We humble ourselves and submit to him in full obedience.  Many people read this and it makes the hairs stand up on their head because people want to do what they want to do and not feel guilty about it.  They still want to have fun and call the shots and not have to answer for their actions.  Jesus is LOVE, and he is PEACE, and he is JOY.  Why wouldn't you want to follow these traits?  Jesus was the ULTIMATE leader!!!!  Wouldn't you want to be a part of it?  Jesus defeated death, and Jesus conquered the world!!  The more I am in this world the more I see that the presence of Jesus is needed MORE and MORE.  We cannot serve two master, we can only serve ONE in complete obedience.  So what is your other master?  Is it Money/Material Possessions/Status/Job/Relationship/etc?  The Bible tells us that we cannot serve two master, we must choose one.  So who or what is competing with the place of Jesus?  It is time to seek God and pray about it, and what the Holy Spirit reveals to you then it is time to repent and put Jesus back on the throne in your heart.

When you have Jesus as your personal Savior you want to be like him and you want to change.  Things of the "world" are not fun anymore and you feel more like an outcast.  You will realize that you don't fit in, in this world anymore.  Your eyes will be fully opened and you will see how you have been deceived and lied to.  Once you have this revelation it scares you because you can see that you haven't been living for God and you  have been living for yourself.  I am so thankful to Jesus for sticking it out with me when I wasn't saved and that I was able to accept him as my Savior and make him my Lord.  It scares me when I think about where I wold of went if I would of died when I didn't have Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  This thought should come across your mind and realize how much we don't deserve his love/grace/and mercy.  Once you realize that you didn't earn it you want to submit to him because he only has good for you and blessings.  When you walk in full obedience to him he only has blessings for you and he has a Perfect Will for you.  The Creator of the Universe designed you with a specific purpose that you are to fulfill and it is our job to seek him and walk it out.  So let us unite as brothers and sisters and stand up for Christ and walk boldly in full obedience!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Wants Some Motivation......

After reading this list what is holding you back?? Nothing!!! Don't pick a day, start today!!!!

It is important to know that there are 3 parts: Workout, Diet, Mental
They all work hand in hand together and you will succeed when you understand it takes all 3!!

This quote is a personal one that I love and go by.  Everyone can feel what body parts jiggle when they run and I am going to run until I don't jiggle!!

What is your excuse now????  If he can do it, then you can do it!!!! Use what God gave you!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

What did you attempt on Christmas Day?

I don't usually post things like this on my blog, but I thought it would make people smile and laugh.  It is important to be silly and have fun.  This is just a snapshot to show what our family was doing on Christmas Day!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Speaking About Jesus.......

Are you truly free to speak about Jesus?  How about if you have alot of influence and in a higher position?  Is your speech filtered?  Our society has really become bold to where you can dress the way you want to dress, act the way you want to act, listen to whatever you choose, believe whatever you want to believe, and you don't need to give a reason why.  We see a society to where the "rules and morals" are slowly being erased.  You can see women now respecting themselves by putting their bodies on display for all to see with how short their clothing is or how low their clothing is.  We see men disrespecting women and treating them like an object. We see couples playing "house" without being married.  We see wives belittling their husbands and we see kids growing up in dysfunctional homes.  We see a society that has pushed Jesus out of schools, speech, and the constitution.  It seems the Constitution was good back then and now since times have gotten so fast paced, people feel that it needs to be altered and changed.  People think the same thing about the Bible.  People look at the Bible and think that it was good back in the day and that it is not alive today or can be applied today.  Do you know that the Bible is the same yesterday, today, and forever?  There is pure wisdom in the Bible!  If you apply the Bible you will live with the peace of Jesus in EVERY circumstance.  The world cannot promise that!!!!!!!  I am going to give a few examples of how you can say WHATEVER you want but when it comes to Jesus, you need to keep it to yourself.

I was watching this game show last night with my husband and they had to do a "timeline" of things that happened in order from beginning to end.  The person had to place all of the magazine covers in date order.  They happened to be "Rolling Stone" covers.  I don't read the magazine so I was shocked to see one of the covers.  They had the rap artist Kanye West on the cover of the magazine wearing the Crown of Thorns and portraying himself as Jesus.  He even had a nickname that mocks our Lord.  He has named his CD and mocks our Lord.  This is accepted why???????  Does he get to have freedom of speech because he is an artist and expressing himself?  If he is able to do that then why is the next point I am going to make not accepted??

The show Duck Dynasty is one of the most popular shows that you see on TV.  The father on the show Phil Robertson has been suspended from the show because of what he said in an interview.  Before I show what he said, let me give some background.  He has said out loud that he is a Christian and that they follow Jesus and read the Bible.  On their show you can see at the end of every episode they pray to Jesus.  In a few of the episodes they even quote scripture.  So the average viewer knows from watching one episode that they follow Jesus.  So why are people surprised when he quotes the Bible?  From him quoting the Bible he gets suspended why?? Because he follows Jesus and the world is slowly pushing out Jesus.  Here is the interview below:
“I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater,” Robertson said while leading the study.
“I have been immoral, drunk, high. I ran with the wicked people for 28 years and I have run with the Jesus people since and the contrast is astounding,” he said“I tell people, ‘You are a sinner, we all are. Do you want to hear my story before I give you the bottom line on your story?’”
“Commonsense says we are not going to procreate the human race unless we have a man and a woman,” he said. “From the beginning Jesus said, ‘It is a man and a woman.’ Adam was made and Eve was made for this reason. They left their fathers and mothers and be united to become one flesh, that’s what marriage is all about.”
“Jesus will take sins away, if you’re a homosexual he’ll take it away, if you’re an adulterer, if you’re a liar, what’s the difference? If you break one sin you may as well break them all,” he said.

By this interview alone he has been suspended from the show because people are outraged that he quoted what the word of God says and that he doesn't agree with the worlds way.

Let us look at a verse in the Bible and see that it is being revealed RIGHT now as I write this:
For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts 2 Timothy 4:3

People today want to be their own Gods and pick and choose what they will follow or not follow. 

I could write pages and pages about examples but I just wanted to do two to show how extreme one is and how subtle one is.  The extreme one is accepted and the subtle one is suspended.  

We live in a fast pace world where there is ALOT going on behind the scenes that many people don't know and are deceived.  It says in the Bible that people perish for lack of knowledge.  Do you know the truth?  Are you living the truth?  Jesus is returning soon to take his people, are you one of them?  Do you speak Jesus with your mouth, but deny him by your lifestyle?  Get in the word and live it out!!! Stand for Jesus!!! 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas.....

I wanted to wish everyone all over the world, Merry Christmas!!  It is such a privelage and honor to be alive for another year to celebrate Our Saviors birth.  It seems like each year I fall more in love with Jesus and Christmas becomes special each year.  Let us remember the true reason for Christmas and that is CHRIST!!

 God loved the world so much that he gave his ONLY Son to die for us so that we might have eternal life.  Would you be able to give your child up for mankind?  How about mankind that didn't even acknowledge him?  This shows True Love and we need to learn "Agape" love.  We honestly feel that we know what real love is but the true definition of it is: God.  True love is doing something because you love someone so much and doing EVERYTHING and not expecting one thing in return.  All you do is keep giving love because you are love.  This is a type of love that is hard for us to wrap our heads around and understand.  When you celebrate Christmas this year remember what happened.  Remember that The God of the Universe humbled himself and came to our level and became human.  Jesus Christ walked our walk and experienced everything we experience.  We have a Savior that can truly identify with us and relate to us.

We should have no problem getting close to Our Savior, because we know that he understands.  Jesus Christ came down for you and for me.  Jesus Christ wants you to have eternal life and wants you to help lead other souls to him.  We can get in the cycle of thinking that we have all of the time in the world, when in fact we are not promised another day.  We need to love like we have never loved before, and stop wasting such precious God given moments.  Christmas in our society is all about Santa Claus and presents.  It is our job to keep Jesus alive in our homes.  We need to celebrate Jesus and what he did for mankind.  I love that during Christmas time wherever you go, you hear songs about Jesus being sung all over.  You hear songs about Jesus in malls, stores, restaurants, etc.  My husband and I were in Barnes and Nobles, and they had Christmas music playing and I just put my head back and closed my eyes.  I loved that Jesus was being sung about and people were hearing about Jesus.  I am so thankful that places play Christmas music and have songs singing about Jesus.

It seems more and more today, people are squeezing Jesus out of everything.  I am so thankful that Christmas music is still allowed to be played.  Let us honor Jesus and celebrate HIS birthday!!  I never understood why everyone gets presents on his birthday.  Let us remember that it is not about presents or the deals we can get on presents.  Sit down during Christmas as a family and hold hands and thank Our Savior and Bless His Mighty Name!!!  Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Attending My First Service in Espanol....

I had the absolute privilege of attending my very first church service in Spanish.  My husband is from Venezuela and I have always had passion for the Spanish Culture.  I love the music, the dancing, the language, the culture, the Spanish countries, etc.  My dream would be to live in Spain out in the country!  My husband and I have been wanting to attend Spanish service for the longest time and yesterday we were able to do it.  We walked into service and we had the Spanish greeting of "Hola."  We found our seats and Worship began.  I recognized the music from all of the church songs I already knew in English.  They had the Spanish words up on the screen so I could sing along in Spanish.  I experienced such beautiful worship in another language and was able to give Praise to my Savior in Espanol.  You can feel the passion from the choir on stage and you can see it on every ones face in the church.  I absolutely loved hearing people shout out praises in Spanish to Jesus Christ!!  It honestly made me tear up because it was so beautiful and it was nothing I have ever experienced.  My husband was in tears because you could tell he felt at home in his native language.  I LOVED worshiping God in Spanish!!! There was a man that then got up on stage and started preaching and talking about God.  He was so passionate about what he was saying that I teared up even more.  I have always had this vision in my mind of my ideal preacher.  I am the type of person where I like a loud voice, and I like seriousness.  I like someone that preaches with an urgency because the people NEED to know.  I always envisioned the preacher pointing to the crowd and maybe even to a couple of people because he is making it personal.  I am the type of person that needs to be hit with a Bible once in awhile. (Figurative Speech)  The man that got up to preach fit the description of my ideal preacher and it was so cool to experience it in person.

My husband and I raised our hands when they asked if anyone was here for the first time.  We had people greet us and even the choir came over one by one to greet us.  It honestly felt like family.  I never expected people from the stage to come over and personally greet us.  This literally blew me away.  I then had someone come up to me and let me know that I can call a number on my cell phone and have the service translated for me in English.  I never even expected having a translator there for me, so this was a whole new ball game now.  :) !!  At first I watched Pastor get up on stage and preach.  I wanted to enjoy the Spanish and just take it all in.  During the middle of service I decided to try out the translator.  I called the number on my phone and was able to hear the service in English.  It was so cool because I was able to hear the Pastor speak in Spanish and then understand it in English.  The message was AMAZING!!  I can honestly say that what Pastor preached about was DIRECTLY for ME!!!  It was the category and the things that I struggle with.  I was thanking the Lord that we came to service and that I was able to understand it in English because it was for me.  I loved the way Pastor preached, he has passion about Jesus and the way he delivers the message is truly anointed from the Holy Spirit.  I even found myself shouting out "Amen!" My husband would laugh at me because the translation had a bit of a delay, so the people would say Amen, and then a few seconds later I would hear what he said and then I would say "Amen."  My husband loved the message and loved the service and the style.  He truly felt at home!

After service we got up to leave and started to smell amazing food.  After service they had amazing food that they served where everyone sits down and eats together.  We were leaving because we had made plans to already go somewhere after service and just before we left we had a nice Spanish couple come over to speak to us.  It was the Piano Player and one of the singers in the Choir.  We talked for a good 5 minutes about service and found out that they also teach "Young Couples/Singles" for Spanish.  This was amazing because my husband and I teach the same class but for the English.  We exchanged information and we know that we have met an amazing couple that we can't wait to get to know.  My husband and I were blown away with Spanish service and we highly recommend it to everyone in the area to come and check it out for yourself.  I have information posted below so please check it out!!! I feel you will have the same feedback as I have experienced.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sin Blocks Blessing...........

This is a great illustration on how sin blocks blessing.  If you notice in the picture the person can no longer feel the presence of God because the relationship is blocked.  The light of God cannot shine on the person because the sin is dark and blocking.  The only way the Sin can be lifted is when we confess our sin to God and ask him for forgiveness.  When we truly repent the "Sin" is lifted and erased from us and our relationship with God is back open and we can stand in his light and reflect his light to others.  
We need to get in the habit of DAILY asking ourselves if there is anything blocking us from God.  Since we know that we DAILY fall short, we know that we mess up.  This doesn't give us the mindset of "What is the point, if I mess up daily, why even try?"  This is an excuse that many people use today to keep living their way and living by their own rules.  All God wants to do is Bless you!! Why would you not want to be blessed?  God is SOOO Good that all he wants to do is give and bless his people. Our job is to keep him first in EVERYTHING and submit to him and under him.  We can fully trust HIS provision and rest under HIS protection.  
How do we know the blessings that he wants to give us?  This is key in understanding because if we don't know the blessings then we aren't going to be so eager to receive them.  You need to start in Genesis and see where the blessings started.  We need to understand what happened between God and Abram.  God didn't force anything on Abram he chose to enter Covenant with him and Abram accepted it and believed God.  Remember at this point Abram didn't "fully KNOW God."  Abram believed God because he understood the importance of "Covenant."  Covenant is something that "us" (The Gentiles) don't understand the importance of, and we don't know the significance of it.  Recently, in a Bible study that I attend I have been learning "Blood Covenant" and I can say that my eyes are now FULLY opened to where I understand the importance of Blood Covenant.  I have posted on my blog two key essential videos by Kenneth Copeland about Blood Covenant.  The videos are in 2 parts and are lengthy and the video's quality isn't the best but I can promise you that you will learn SOOOOO much from them and they are WORTH your time!!!
So we understand that God blessed Abraham and ALL of his descendants.  It is our CHOICE whether or not we receive them or not.  God did his part by making the Covenant and sending Jesus to open the door for us to enter a relationship with him.  All of the work has already been done, we just need to RECEIVE it and WALK in it!!!!  That is two steps on our part: Receive it, and Walk in it.  

I want you to look at this box above and fill in the blank.  I saw this done on a Beth Moore Bible Study and I really liked the concept behind this.  Think of your WORST case scenario.  Think of your WORST fear.  Fill in the blank:  If ________ happens.  I then want you to fill in the second part of the blank and explain what would happen.
IF_________ happens, then I will________!!

Go make a list of all of the things that could happen that you are afraid of then answer what would happen.  God will keep asking you " Then what?"  "Then what?"  "Then what?"   You need to get to a point where you will do everything that you can think to do then you will reach a point to where you can see that there is NOTHING that is in your control that you can do to change whatever happens.  You can throw a fit/cry/scream/be angry/sad/ etc.  It is normal to go through and process it out through our emotions but there needs to be a point that you reach to where you get down on your knees and cling to God and seek him.  You understand that God can take away your pain!  God can restore what was lost! God can heal a broken heart! God delivers you!  God gives you Joy! God gives you strength! God gives you peace!!  
It is time to seek God like you have NEVER have before!!  You need to reach a point where ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!  Start to understand that things aren't in YOUR control!!!  God is in Control and has ALWAYS been in control!!!  It is time to surrender every AREA of your life and stop playing these games!!!
Did this blog speak to you???  Good!!! Now start having faith in God and start trusting him!!!

Here is a link to the Beth Moore study:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

66 Day Challenge.....

This is the reason I have been working out and training.  I found this quote and fell in love with it, because I could say yes to every single thing on the list!  For those of you who have been following my fitness journey my last weight loss update was 15lbs.  I then went on vacation and came back to find myself with a sickness for over 3 weeks now.  I tried to workout when I started feeling better, and I physically couldn't get through the workout.  I am still getting over this cold, but I am getting back to training again and this is the reason for this post.  I know so many people get discouraged and let things get in the way and never get back to training.  I want to tell you that no matter how much time you have taken off, you can get right back into the routine.  You have value and you are precious! Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and God wants us to take care of ourselves and he wants us to be healthy.  I think everyone likes having energy and not being tired all the time.  Exercising and eating right can really help your energy levels.  Awhile ago I read something in a health magazine that talked about doing something active for 66 days in a row and after that your body starts to crave it and you feel out of tune if you don't work out.  I want to get to the point where I don't have to force myself to train, I want to just get up and do it.  I literally have to mentally prepare myself and get in "workout" mode so I can accomplish each workout.  This article really caught my attention and I said to myself: "The moment I get over this cold, I am starting the 66 days in a row workout challenge."  My plan is to do something active each day and have no rest days.  I am planning to do running/jump rope/bicycle/stair climbing/sprints/lunges/squats/push-ups/sit-ups/etc.  So each day I will decide which type of workout I want to do.  As soon as I start Day 1, I will document it on my blog and give mini updates with my progress on this new challenge.  I am posting a few quotes below to help motivate you to get involved and get a plan going!!!!  If I can do it, then you can do it!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Is Attending Church Once A Week Enough?

There are many people who honestly feel that attending church once a week is enough for their spiritual growth.  First and foremost, I am not writing this blog to discourage those who attend church once a week.  I want to say Congratulations!!!  There are so many people who don't even bother to attend church anymore, and pass it by.  There are many who attend on certain occasions and feel that they are "covered/safe."  So please, if you do attend church every week, keep going!! This blog is going to go into detail to see if that is enough.
  So now that I have addressed that, I want to start explaining why I feel it isn't enough.  Let me first ask a series of questions and answer honestly.
 1)  What is your main reason for attending church?  Is it out of routine? Obligation? Is it for attendance?
 2)  When you are at church what are you doing?  Are you people watching? Judging others? Participating?
 3)  When you leave church what is your first thought?  Do you try and apply anything you have learned?
 4)  Do you attend service and just leave?  Do you talk to anyone or try and make connections?
 5)  Is this the only time you open your Bible?  Do you read your Bible the rest of the week?

These are a few questions to help you see the reasons for attending service.  Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and if there is anything hidden that is selfish, for him to expose it to you so you can repent and have true revelation from God.

Now, I can honestly tell you that when I grew up I just went to Church because I was "told" to, and because I was raised that way.  I was in a routine to where I didn't question it, I did it because I had always done it.  I wouldn't pay attention in service, I wouldn't get anything out of it, I wouldn't connect with Jesus, etc.  I basically did it out of routine because that is what I have always done.  The moment that changed for me was when I attended my first Christian Service.  I saw everyone bringing their Bibles to church and I felt left out.  I wondered why nobody ever told me to bring my Bible, or why I never saw anyone reading their Bible in church when I grew up.  It made me want to know what was in the Bible and what everyone else knew that I already didn't.  I felt like they knew this secret, and I was on the outside looking in.  The Holy Spirit got a hold of me and started drawing my heart in.  I started to ask questions and needed to know why I wasn't taught these things.  I felt like I was being deceived and lied to and nobody told me.  I began to develop this hunger inside of me to start seeking the answers.  I started to have one on one meetings with Pastors and Elders.  I started to open the Bible and actually read it.  I started to listen to Pod casts that were Bible studies, and started getting more involved with studies.

Let me ask you this question: How many times do you eat a day?  Now let me ask you this question: How many times do you read the Bible a day?  The Bible is your Spiritual Food and you NEED this in order to survive eternally!!!  You need food to survive physically, but you need the Bible to survive eternally.  Now which is more important: Physical or Spiritual?  Temporal or Eternal?  You need to open you Bible DAILY and not just on Sundays!! It simply isn't enough to read the Bible once a week.  It isn't enough to sit back and have someone teach you one hour a week and then leave.  You need to start doing the work and seeking God yourself!! You need to open his Word and have him speak to you.  You need to connect daily with Jesus and spend time in his presence!!  Now, this is my blog so this is how I feel and what I believe.  So now it is time to ask yourself: Do you believe attending Church once a week is enough?

Friday, December 6, 2013

If you don't know Blood Covenant, then you don't know the Bible....

Here is  Kenneth Copeland Video Part 1 of 2
Watch this video, and educate yourself about The Blood Covenant of God.  I can guarantee that once you understand this covenant, the Bible will open itself up to you in a new way!!

Here is Kenneth Copeland Part 2 of 2

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Living Life As An Extremist....

I wanted to give a look of life through my eyes.  Since this is my personal blog, I am able to first hand write about what I think and how I live.  My personality has always been an extremist.  It is either nothing or everything with me.  I either don't act or I act to the extreme.  I don't have a middle line or a grey area.  Before I knew Jesus this was a dangerous trait because I was very rebellious and loved to party.  With being an extremist I loved being dangerous and took risks and had no fear.  Praise God that he was always with me and watching over me, because I never watched out for myself in those times.  My mindset has changed after I became Saved and make the Lord Jesus my personal Savior.  I am still an extremist but in a different way now.  My personal opinion is that it is helpful to live life this way because it truly will make you take each day as it comes, and be bold with that day.  When you truly understand that you aren't guaranteed another day or another minute, then you know how precious they are.  You don't want to waste time or waste moments because you realize they are precious.  Myself being an extremist I understand that time is running out, and I don't sit and worry about it, I am extremely grateful that I am in that moment because it is sacred.  I understand that this could be my last day on earth or my last night on earth.  I understand that I may not wake up tomorrow or have another day.  I understand that my family might not be there tomorrow and this was my last time with them.  When you have this type of mindset you truly appreciate each moment in life and don't take it for granted.  When you think this way, you are able to see that time should not be wasted on petty little arguments or disputes.  People can go days without talking and hold grudges.  I should know this, because I used to be one of them before I knew Jesus.  People think they have all the time in the world and that they will trust their feelings and decide when to do something.  God is in control of the day, not us!!  This will put it into perspective for people who don't think like myself, an extremist.  Let's say you just had an argument with your spouse/mate/family member and the argument has not been settled yet.  You become so angry that you decide not to speak to that person or ignore their phone calls.  Later that night you find out that person is no longer here on earth, what is the first though that would enter your mind?  I bet it wouldn't be the argument!! The feelings of anger that you had would now turn into sadness because you would remember that it was an opportunity that you had with that person and it could of been an amazing opportunity of love and memories.  If you knew ahead of time that it was going to be that persons last night on earth, I am sure you wouldn't of let a silly argument ruin that day.  You would of realized how precious it was and you would of wanted to grab that person in your arms and tell them how much you love them and appreciate them and most importantly you would want to make sure that person knew Jesus intimately.  This is a picture of what my mind goes through as an extremist.  Whenever I have an argument with my husband I automatically think "I don't want this to be the last time I remember us having this moment if something were to happen."  I want to make it right immediately and end it right away because I want us to always have love and peace and not have regrets.  I know with my children that God holds their future in HIS hands, not mine.  I need to do my best job on being their mother and live every day with them to the fullest.  I don't want to have any regrets.  I have had many people call me an extremist and to be honest I am happy to be one.  I can see that if something needs to be cut out, I won't just cut out a little, I will wipe out the entire thing that is causing it.  If I see a particular sin I am struggling with, I will eliminate the environment that caused it.  So to all of you extremists out there, I guess this blog is a shout out to you!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Christmas House....

Every single year our family has started a tradition to where we go and see "The Christmas House" after Thanksgiving.  We look forward to this house every year and they always make sure to add a few new things each time.  I am going to put the link of this house below and you can read about this house and all of the details.  This Christmas House keeps Jesus first instead of having it be all about Santa Claus.  It reminds people that Jesus is the reason for the season.  They have Bible videos playing where there is preaching and have scriptures all over their display.  I took a few pictures that I am going to include in this blog.  They have music playing for the children and a bubble machine that the kids absolutely love.  Every year this is special to us because each year our children get older to where we can see it through their eyes.  If you are in the area, please come and check out this Christmas House and tell people about it.  It is free of charge, but they do accept donations.  Enjoy!!!!
Here is the entrance to the lights/house
The kids were thrilled to see the lights!
This is a sign with Jesus at the top pointing to Heaven, and below it are all the other religions in the world and how they lead every other way besides to Heaven!
Amen!!!  I couldn't take my eyes off of this!!
Dad and Son
Gabe loved the Bubbles!
Rafa loved the Bubbles too!!

The link for the website is:

Friday, November 29, 2013

Seeking His Face/ And Also How The Enemy Uses Technology to Destroy Families

I wanted to write this blog to share with everyone on how important it is to seek Gods face every single day!  We cannot get stuck in the day to day routine and repeat the cycle day in and day out.  It is almost as if we are cycling like clothes in the dryer, we just keep going round and round.  Yes we are alive and breathing, but are we doing anything for the advancement of Gods kingdom?  If you can learn one thing from Society is is "Hustle, Hustle, Hustle."  The whole motto is to get it while you can and get as much as you can.  It is a ME generation and a selfish driven world.  If we don't check in with God daily, we can end up operating in our own strength and our own power.  As you already know, us humans are weak.  We get tired and weary and yes we even get sick.  We need to take care of ourselves and have the proper nutrition since our bodies are so frail.  Now since we know this, how can we even try to think that we can do things in our own human strength?  When we seek Gods face daily, it reminds us that he is first and that we are living for him!  It reminds us that we cannot do anything alone, and cannot survive without his presence.  We need to treat God like oxygen and depend on Jesus minute to minute.  It needs to be that type of urgency that our society has seemed to have lost more and more over the years.  If we only seek him a few times a week or a month, then as you can see we are not keeping him first.  Many people only seek his face, when they are in the middle of a storm.  We need to get in the habit of have a specific time each day to where we make him the priority and spend time in his presence.  I am not boasting and saying that I have it all together, but I can tell you that I get convicted back to back if I start slipping back in the flesh.  I am weak and have my moments to where I am tired and want to relax and start making excuses.  The Holy Spirit is quick to remind me that I haven't spent time with God and that I need to get back to it.  I notice that I have more peace, when I have been making God a priority.  I don't ask for alot of money or nice things, all I ever want is peace with myself and peace with my family.  I think peace is the most beautiful thing anyone could ever ask for in this world.

  So let me ask you, what is important to you?  What do you make time for each day?  Is God on that list?  How much time do you spend on your technology?  Do you know that God has Divine Appointments set up DAILY and I personally believe that everyone today is ALWAYS on their phones/ipods etc to where they never take the time to look up and see these Divine Appointments.  My husband and I recently decided to get rid of our personal facebook.  I know that the enemy comes to rob, kill and destroy and I believe that the enemy uses technology to rob family time and personal time with God.  Some things need to be kept sacred and private, and everyone shouldn't know your business.  Next time you go into an office or appointment, look and see how many people are on their phones and never look up.  I see this at the park with parents and their children.  The parents are on their cellphones the entire time and their children are playing by themselves.  I believe that God has placed this passion deep in my heart on this issue, because I feel like people today are losing touch of how it is to truly connect with one another.  There are people today who have even ended relationships via text.

Where is the face to face?  Where is the heart to heart?  When you seek Gods face he will reveal to you what has been blocking your relationship with him.  Get in the habit of seeking his face daily!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful On This Thanksgiving......

What are you thankful for on this day of Thanksgiving?  I am thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ did for me on Calvary's cross.  I am thankful that he cared enough about a sinner like myself and saw value in myself when I didn't.  I am thankful for him rescuing me from the bondage I had and from being a servant to Satan.  I am thankful that the old has passed away and that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.  I am thankful that what the enemy meant for harm, God has redeemed and brought glory to HIS name.  I am thankful for my Husband.  I am thankful to have a Godly Man that loves the Lord with all of his Mind, Soul, and Strength.  I am thankful that my Husband puts God first and seeks HIS will above his own.  I am thankful to have a Son that God has blessed me with.  I am thankful that Jesus fought for my Sons life, and loved him even when I didn't.  I am thankful for a beautiful Daughter that Jesus has blessed us with.  I am thankful for my family and for every ones health.  I am thankful for our entire families.  I am thankful for our Church Family.  I am thankful for having all of our necessities met on a daily basis.  I am thankful that God is still working in me and that I am one day closer.

So what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving???

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Celebrating Chanukah.....

We wanted to share with everyone that this is the first year that our family is celebrating Chanukah.  We understand that since we have been in grafted in Christ Jesus that we know take place with the Jews and celebrate in their traditions.  We understand the History of the Festival of Lights and what amazing miracles happened.  We know that Jesus partook in this, and to be honest it is truly remarkable to participate in this knowing that Jesus did this as well.  We have been doing research and asking questions about this: when does it start, how long does it last, how do you light the menorah, the prayers and blessings, games, etc.  We had a friend give us a great resource:  Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis.  You can find his webpage/youtube videos and learn about this festival.  You can also find the prayers online and an outline of how to celebrate this holiday.  Below, we posted an outline that briefly explains how to light it and what blessings to recite.  You can buy a menorah at Walmart or Target.  They also have a game that is played during Chanukah that is called "dreidel."  You can also learn the different types of food that Jews normally make during this festival.  It is so amazing to start this tradition for our family and teach this to our children.  We rejoice in this festival knowing that Jews are doing it all over the World, remembering what God did for them in the temple.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Kislev 24
first Night of ChanukahTonight is the first Night of Chanukah
Recite blessings 1, 2 and 3 and kindle one light in the menorah.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Kislev 25

second Night of ChanukahTonight is the second Night of Chanukah
Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle two lights in the menorah.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Kislev 26

third Night of ChanukahTonight is the third Night of Chanukah

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle three lights in the menorah. The menorah should be litbefore lighting the Shabbat Candles (18 minutes before sunset).
Light Shabbat CandlesClick here for Shabbat candle lighting times
Shabbat, November 30, 2013
Kislev 27

fourth Night of ChanukahTonight is the fourth Night of Chanukah
After nightfall (click herefor local times), recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle eight lights in the menorah. The menorah is lit after Shabbat ends and the Havdalah is recited.
Sunday, December 1, 2013 
Kislev 28

fifth Night of ChanukahTonight is the fifth Night of Chanukah

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle five lights in the menorah.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Kislev 29

sixth Night of ChanukahTonight is the sixth Night of Chanukah

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle six lights in the menorah.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Kislev 30

seventh Night of ChanukahTonight is the seventh Night of Chanukah.
 Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle seven lights in the menorah.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tevet 1

eighth Night of ChanukahTonight is the eighth Night of Chanukah.

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle eight lights in the menorah.

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