Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Celebrating Chanukah.....

We wanted to share with everyone that this is the first year that our family is celebrating Chanukah.  We understand that since we have been in grafted in Christ Jesus that we know take place with the Jews and celebrate in their traditions.  We understand the History of the Festival of Lights and what amazing miracles happened.  We know that Jesus partook in this, and to be honest it is truly remarkable to participate in this knowing that Jesus did this as well.  We have been doing research and asking questions about this: when does it start, how long does it last, how do you light the menorah, the prayers and blessings, games, etc.  We had a friend give us a great resource:  Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis.  You can find his webpage/youtube videos and learn about this festival.  You can also find the prayers online and an outline of how to celebrate this holiday.  Below, we posted an outline that briefly explains how to light it and what blessings to recite.  You can buy a menorah at Walmart or Target.  They also have a game that is played during Chanukah that is called "dreidel."  You can also learn the different types of food that Jews normally make during this festival.  It is so amazing to start this tradition for our family and teach this to our children.  We rejoice in this festival knowing that Jews are doing it all over the World, remembering what God did for them in the temple.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Kislev 24
first Night of ChanukahTonight is the first Night of Chanukah
Recite blessings 1, 2 and 3 and kindle one light in the menorah.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Kislev 25

second Night of ChanukahTonight is the second Night of Chanukah
Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle two lights in the menorah.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Kislev 26

third Night of ChanukahTonight is the third Night of Chanukah

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle three lights in the menorah. The menorah should be litbefore lighting the Shabbat Candles (18 minutes before sunset).
Light Shabbat CandlesClick here for Shabbat candle lighting times
Shabbat, November 30, 2013
Kislev 27

fourth Night of ChanukahTonight is the fourth Night of Chanukah
After nightfall (click herefor local times), recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle eight lights in the menorah. The menorah is lit after Shabbat ends and the Havdalah is recited.
Sunday, December 1, 2013 
Kislev 28

fifth Night of ChanukahTonight is the fifth Night of Chanukah

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle five lights in the menorah.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Kislev 29

sixth Night of ChanukahTonight is the sixth Night of Chanukah

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle six lights in the menorah.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Kislev 30

seventh Night of ChanukahTonight is the seventh Night of Chanukah.
 Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle seven lights in the menorah.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tevet 1

eighth Night of ChanukahTonight is the eighth Night of Chanukah.

Recite blessings 1 and 2 and kindle eight lights in the menorah.

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