Monday, December 30, 2013

Walking In Full Obedience.....

Let us look up the word "Obedience" in the dictionary and see the definition.  In the dictionary it says: Compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.  So to be obedient we need to be under someones authority that we must submit to and lower ourselves to follow. So this means that we cannot be our own Masters of authority.  If we are Masters of ourselves then we wouldn't need to be obedient because we would be calling the shots and making the rules.  So when we read the Bible we read that Jesus says we are to follow him and deny ourselves daily!! So if we are to deny ourselves and follow someone then this means that he becomes Our Leader and he says what to do, and we follow.  We no longer try to talk over him and make the rules.  We humble ourselves and submit to him in full obedience.  Many people read this and it makes the hairs stand up on their head because people want to do what they want to do and not feel guilty about it.  They still want to have fun and call the shots and not have to answer for their actions.  Jesus is LOVE, and he is PEACE, and he is JOY.  Why wouldn't you want to follow these traits?  Jesus was the ULTIMATE leader!!!!  Wouldn't you want to be a part of it?  Jesus defeated death, and Jesus conquered the world!!  The more I am in this world the more I see that the presence of Jesus is needed MORE and MORE.  We cannot serve two master, we can only serve ONE in complete obedience.  So what is your other master?  Is it Money/Material Possessions/Status/Job/Relationship/etc?  The Bible tells us that we cannot serve two master, we must choose one.  So who or what is competing with the place of Jesus?  It is time to seek God and pray about it, and what the Holy Spirit reveals to you then it is time to repent and put Jesus back on the throne in your heart.

When you have Jesus as your personal Savior you want to be like him and you want to change.  Things of the "world" are not fun anymore and you feel more like an outcast.  You will realize that you don't fit in, in this world anymore.  Your eyes will be fully opened and you will see how you have been deceived and lied to.  Once you have this revelation it scares you because you can see that you haven't been living for God and you  have been living for yourself.  I am so thankful to Jesus for sticking it out with me when I wasn't saved and that I was able to accept him as my Savior and make him my Lord.  It scares me when I think about where I wold of went if I would of died when I didn't have Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  This thought should come across your mind and realize how much we don't deserve his love/grace/and mercy.  Once you realize that you didn't earn it you want to submit to him because he only has good for you and blessings.  When you walk in full obedience to him he only has blessings for you and he has a Perfect Will for you.  The Creator of the Universe designed you with a specific purpose that you are to fulfill and it is our job to seek him and walk it out.  So let us unite as brothers and sisters and stand up for Christ and walk boldly in full obedience!!

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