Monday, December 16, 2013

Attending My First Service in Espanol....

I had the absolute privilege of attending my very first church service in Spanish.  My husband is from Venezuela and I have always had passion for the Spanish Culture.  I love the music, the dancing, the language, the culture, the Spanish countries, etc.  My dream would be to live in Spain out in the country!  My husband and I have been wanting to attend Spanish service for the longest time and yesterday we were able to do it.  We walked into service and we had the Spanish greeting of "Hola."  We found our seats and Worship began.  I recognized the music from all of the church songs I already knew in English.  They had the Spanish words up on the screen so I could sing along in Spanish.  I experienced such beautiful worship in another language and was able to give Praise to my Savior in Espanol.  You can feel the passion from the choir on stage and you can see it on every ones face in the church.  I absolutely loved hearing people shout out praises in Spanish to Jesus Christ!!  It honestly made me tear up because it was so beautiful and it was nothing I have ever experienced.  My husband was in tears because you could tell he felt at home in his native language.  I LOVED worshiping God in Spanish!!! There was a man that then got up on stage and started preaching and talking about God.  He was so passionate about what he was saying that I teared up even more.  I have always had this vision in my mind of my ideal preacher.  I am the type of person where I like a loud voice, and I like seriousness.  I like someone that preaches with an urgency because the people NEED to know.  I always envisioned the preacher pointing to the crowd and maybe even to a couple of people because he is making it personal.  I am the type of person that needs to be hit with a Bible once in awhile. (Figurative Speech)  The man that got up to preach fit the description of my ideal preacher and it was so cool to experience it in person.

My husband and I raised our hands when they asked if anyone was here for the first time.  We had people greet us and even the choir came over one by one to greet us.  It honestly felt like family.  I never expected people from the stage to come over and personally greet us.  This literally blew me away.  I then had someone come up to me and let me know that I can call a number on my cell phone and have the service translated for me in English.  I never even expected having a translator there for me, so this was a whole new ball game now.  :) !!  At first I watched Pastor get up on stage and preach.  I wanted to enjoy the Spanish and just take it all in.  During the middle of service I decided to try out the translator.  I called the number on my phone and was able to hear the service in English.  It was so cool because I was able to hear the Pastor speak in Spanish and then understand it in English.  The message was AMAZING!!  I can honestly say that what Pastor preached about was DIRECTLY for ME!!!  It was the category and the things that I struggle with.  I was thanking the Lord that we came to service and that I was able to understand it in English because it was for me.  I loved the way Pastor preached, he has passion about Jesus and the way he delivers the message is truly anointed from the Holy Spirit.  I even found myself shouting out "Amen!" My husband would laugh at me because the translation had a bit of a delay, so the people would say Amen, and then a few seconds later I would hear what he said and then I would say "Amen."  My husband loved the message and loved the service and the style.  He truly felt at home!

After service we got up to leave and started to smell amazing food.  After service they had amazing food that they served where everyone sits down and eats together.  We were leaving because we had made plans to already go somewhere after service and just before we left we had a nice Spanish couple come over to speak to us.  It was the Piano Player and one of the singers in the Choir.  We talked for a good 5 minutes about service and found out that they also teach "Young Couples/Singles" for Spanish.  This was amazing because my husband and I teach the same class but for the English.  We exchanged information and we know that we have met an amazing couple that we can't wait to get to know.  My husband and I were blown away with Spanish service and we highly recommend it to everyone in the area to come and check it out for yourself.  I have information posted below so please check it out!!! I feel you will have the same feedback as I have experienced.


  1. Hi Katy! This is Alex Rodríguez, I am the pianist who you met at service yesterday. We were so honored to have you over and be able to serve you as the Lord had willed. It was a true pleasure to meet you and your husband. I was thinking about you both this morning, as I remembered that I have to ask my wife for your card so I can contact you!

    We will definitely be in touch. It would be awesome if you had the opportunity to visit our service next Sunday for our Christmas play (even though we won't have translation, you might pick up on what's happening anyway). In any case, you now know you have a family at Oasis.

    Lord bless you!

  2. Hello Alex, it is great to hear from you!!! We enjoyed service so much that I had to write a blog about it!! :) It is powerful to see what God is doing with Oasis and the anointing everyone has! The pleasure was ours, we really thought that you and your wife were so sweet and down-to earth! Yes we look forward to your email and we will have to keep in touch and have the four of us get together! I know Carlos was deeply moved by Oasis and felt like he wanted to get involved and help out!!!
