I wanted to give a look of life through my eyes. Since this is my personal blog, I am able to first hand write about what I think and how I live. My personality has always been an extremist. It is either nothing or everything with me. I either don't act or I act to the extreme. I don't have a middle line or a grey area. Before I knew Jesus this was a dangerous trait because I was very rebellious and loved to party. With being an extremist I loved being dangerous and took risks and had no fear. Praise God that he was always with me and watching over me, because I never watched out for myself in those times. My mindset has changed after I became Saved and make the Lord Jesus my personal Savior. I am still an extremist but in a different way now. My personal opinion is that it is helpful to live life this way because it truly will make you take each day as it comes, and be bold with that day. When you truly understand that you aren't guaranteed another day or another minute, then you know how precious they are. You don't want to waste time or waste moments because you realize they are precious. Myself being an extremist I understand that time is running out, and I don't sit and worry about it, I am extremely grateful that I am in that moment because it is sacred. I understand that this could be my last day on earth or my last night on earth. I understand that I may not wake up tomorrow or have another day. I understand that my family might not be there tomorrow and this was my last time with them. When you have this type of mindset you truly appreciate each moment in life and don't take it for granted. When you think this way, you are able to see that time should not be wasted on petty little arguments or disputes. People can go days without talking and hold grudges. I should know this, because I used to be one of them before I knew Jesus. People think they have all the time in the world and that they will trust their feelings and decide when to do something. God is in control of the day, not us!! This will put it into perspective for people who don't think like myself, an extremist. Let's say you just had an argument with your spouse/mate/family member and the argument has not been settled yet. You become so angry that you decide not to speak to that person or ignore their phone calls. Later that night you find out that person is no longer here on earth, what is the first though that would enter your mind? I bet it wouldn't be the argument!! The feelings of anger that you had would now turn into sadness because you would remember that it was an opportunity that you had with that person and it could of been an amazing opportunity of love and memories. If you knew ahead of time that it was going to be that persons last night on earth, I am sure you wouldn't of let a silly argument ruin that day. You would of realized how precious it was and you would of wanted to grab that person in your arms and tell them how much you love them and appreciate them and most importantly you would want to make sure that person knew Jesus intimately. This is a picture of what my mind goes through as an extremist. Whenever I have an argument with my husband I automatically think "I don't want this to be the last time I remember us having this moment if something were to happen." I want to make it right immediately and end it right away because I want us to always have love and peace and not have regrets. I know with my children that God holds their future in HIS hands, not mine. I need to do my best job on being their mother and live every day with them to the fullest. I don't want to have any regrets. I have had many people call me an extremist and to be honest I am happy to be one. I can see that if something needs to be cut out, I won't just cut out a little, I will wipe out the entire thing that is causing it. If I see a particular sin I am struggling with, I will eliminate the environment that caused it. So to all of you extremists out there, I guess this blog is a shout out to you!!!!!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Living Life As An Extremist....
I wanted to give a look of life through my eyes. Since this is my personal blog, I am able to first hand write about what I think and how I live. My personality has always been an extremist. It is either nothing or everything with me. I either don't act or I act to the extreme. I don't have a middle line or a grey area. Before I knew Jesus this was a dangerous trait because I was very rebellious and loved to party. With being an extremist I loved being dangerous and took risks and had no fear. Praise God that he was always with me and watching over me, because I never watched out for myself in those times. My mindset has changed after I became Saved and make the Lord Jesus my personal Savior. I am still an extremist but in a different way now. My personal opinion is that it is helpful to live life this way because it truly will make you take each day as it comes, and be bold with that day. When you truly understand that you aren't guaranteed another day or another minute, then you know how precious they are. You don't want to waste time or waste moments because you realize they are precious. Myself being an extremist I understand that time is running out, and I don't sit and worry about it, I am extremely grateful that I am in that moment because it is sacred. I understand that this could be my last day on earth or my last night on earth. I understand that I may not wake up tomorrow or have another day. I understand that my family might not be there tomorrow and this was my last time with them. When you have this type of mindset you truly appreciate each moment in life and don't take it for granted. When you think this way, you are able to see that time should not be wasted on petty little arguments or disputes. People can go days without talking and hold grudges. I should know this, because I used to be one of them before I knew Jesus. People think they have all the time in the world and that they will trust their feelings and decide when to do something. God is in control of the day, not us!! This will put it into perspective for people who don't think like myself, an extremist. Let's say you just had an argument with your spouse/mate/family member and the argument has not been settled yet. You become so angry that you decide not to speak to that person or ignore their phone calls. Later that night you find out that person is no longer here on earth, what is the first though that would enter your mind? I bet it wouldn't be the argument!! The feelings of anger that you had would now turn into sadness because you would remember that it was an opportunity that you had with that person and it could of been an amazing opportunity of love and memories. If you knew ahead of time that it was going to be that persons last night on earth, I am sure you wouldn't of let a silly argument ruin that day. You would of realized how precious it was and you would of wanted to grab that person in your arms and tell them how much you love them and appreciate them and most importantly you would want to make sure that person knew Jesus intimately. This is a picture of what my mind goes through as an extremist. Whenever I have an argument with my husband I automatically think "I don't want this to be the last time I remember us having this moment if something were to happen." I want to make it right immediately and end it right away because I want us to always have love and peace and not have regrets. I know with my children that God holds their future in HIS hands, not mine. I need to do my best job on being their mother and live every day with them to the fullest. I don't want to have any regrets. I have had many people call me an extremist and to be honest I am happy to be one. I can see that if something needs to be cut out, I won't just cut out a little, I will wipe out the entire thing that is causing it. If I see a particular sin I am struggling with, I will eliminate the environment that caused it. So to all of you extremists out there, I guess this blog is a shout out to you!!!!!
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