There are many people who honestly feel that attending church once a week is enough for their spiritual growth. First and foremost, I am not writing this blog to discourage those who attend church once a week. I want to say Congratulations!!! There are so many people who don't even bother to attend church anymore, and pass it by. There are many who attend on certain occasions and feel that they are "covered/safe." So please, if you do attend church every week, keep going!! This blog is going to go into detail to see if that is enough.
So now that I have addressed that, I want to start explaining why I feel it isn't enough. Let me first ask a series of questions and answer honestly.
1) What is your main reason for attending church? Is it out of routine? Obligation? Is it for attendance?
2) When you are at church what are you doing? Are you people watching? Judging others? Participating?
3) When you leave church what is your first thought? Do you try and apply anything you have learned?
4) Do you attend service and just leave? Do you talk to anyone or try and make connections?
5) Is this the only time you open your Bible? Do you read your Bible the rest of the week?
These are a few questions to help you see the reasons for attending service. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and if there is anything hidden that is selfish, for him to expose it to you so you can repent and have true revelation from God.
Now, I can honestly tell you that when I grew up I just went to Church because I was "told" to, and because I was raised that way. I was in a routine to where I didn't question it, I did it because I had always done it. I wouldn't pay attention in service, I wouldn't get anything out of it, I wouldn't connect with Jesus, etc. I basically did it out of routine because that is what I have always done. The moment that changed for me was when I attended my first Christian Service. I saw everyone bringing their Bibles to church and I felt left out. I wondered why nobody ever told me to bring my Bible, or why I never saw anyone reading their Bible in church when I grew up. It made me want to know what was in the Bible and what everyone else knew that I already didn't. I felt like they knew this secret, and I was on the outside looking in. The Holy Spirit got a hold of me and started drawing my heart in. I started to ask questions and needed to know why I wasn't taught these things. I felt like I was being deceived and lied to and nobody told me. I began to develop this hunger inside of me to start seeking the answers. I started to have one on one meetings with Pastors and Elders. I started to open the Bible and actually read it. I started to listen to Pod casts that were Bible studies, and started getting more involved with studies.
Let me ask you this question: How many times do you eat a day? Now let me ask you this question: How many times do you read the Bible a day? The Bible is your Spiritual Food and you NEED this in order to survive eternally!!! You need food to survive physically, but you need the Bible to survive eternally. Now which is more important: Physical or Spiritual? Temporal or Eternal? You need to open you Bible DAILY and not just on Sundays!! It simply isn't enough to read the Bible once a week. It isn't enough to sit back and have someone teach you one hour a week and then leave. You need to start doing the work and seeking God yourself!! You need to open his Word and have him speak to you. You need to connect daily with Jesus and spend time in his presence!! Now, this is my blog so this is how I feel and what I believe. So now it is time to ask yourself: Do you believe attending Church once a week is enough?
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