Are you truly free to speak about Jesus? How about if you have alot of influence and in a higher position? Is your speech filtered? Our society has really become bold to where you can dress the way you want to dress, act the way you want to act, listen to whatever you choose, believe whatever you want to believe, and you don't need to give a reason why. We see a society to where the "rules and morals" are slowly being erased. You can see women now respecting themselves by putting their bodies on display for all to see with how short their clothing is or how low their clothing is. We see men disrespecting women and treating them like an object. We see couples playing "house" without being married. We see wives belittling their husbands and we see kids growing up in dysfunctional homes. We see a society that has pushed Jesus out of schools, speech, and the constitution. It seems the Constitution was good back then and now since times have gotten so fast paced, people feel that it needs to be altered and changed. People think the same thing about the Bible. People look at the Bible and think that it was good back in the day and that it is not alive today or can be applied today. Do you know that the Bible is the same yesterday, today, and forever? There is pure wisdom in the Bible! If you apply the Bible you will live with the peace of Jesus in EVERY circumstance. The world cannot promise that!!!!!!! I am going to give a few examples of how you can say WHATEVER you want but when it comes to Jesus, you need to keep it to yourself.
I was watching this game show last night with my husband and they had to do a "timeline" of things that happened in order from beginning to end. The person had to place all of the magazine covers in date order. They happened to be "Rolling Stone" covers. I don't read the magazine so I was shocked to see one of the covers. They had the rap artist Kanye West on the cover of the magazine wearing the Crown of Thorns and portraying himself as Jesus. He even had a nickname that mocks our Lord. He has named his CD and mocks our Lord. This is accepted why??????? Does he get to have freedom of speech because he is an artist and expressing himself? If he is able to do that then why is the next point I am going to make not accepted??
The show Duck Dynasty is one of the most popular shows that you see on TV. The father on the show Phil Robertson has been suspended from the show because of what he said in an interview. Before I show what he said, let me give some background. He has said out loud that he is a Christian and that they follow Jesus and read the Bible. On their show you can see at the end of every episode they pray to Jesus. In a few of the episodes they even quote scripture. So the average viewer knows from watching one episode that they follow Jesus. So why are people surprised when he quotes the Bible? From him quoting the Bible he gets suspended why?? Because he follows Jesus and the world is slowly pushing out Jesus. Here is the interview below:
“I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater,” Robertson said while leading the study.
“I have been immoral, drunk, high. I ran with the wicked people for 28 years and I have run with the Jesus people since and the contrast is astounding,” he said. “I tell people, ‘You are a sinner, we all are. Do you want to hear my story before I give you the bottom line on your story?’”
“Commonsense says we are not going to procreate the human race unless we have a man and a woman,” he said. “From the beginning Jesus said, ‘It is a man and a woman.’ Adam was made and Eve was made for this reason. They left their fathers and mothers and be united to become one flesh, that’s what marriage is all about.”
“Jesus will take sins away, if you’re a homosexual he’ll take it away, if you’re an adulterer, if you’re a liar, what’s the difference? If you break one sin you may as well break them all,” he said.
By this interview alone he has been suspended from the show because people are outraged that he quoted what the word of God says and that he doesn't agree with the worlds way.
Let us look at a verse in the Bible and see that it is being revealed RIGHT now as I write this:
For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts 2 Timothy 4:3
People today want to be their own Gods and pick and choose what they will follow or not follow.
I could write pages and pages about examples but I just wanted to do two to show how extreme one is and how subtle one is. The extreme one is accepted and the subtle one is suspended.
We live in a fast pace world where there is ALOT going on behind the scenes that many people don't know and are deceived. It says in the Bible that people perish for lack of knowledge. Do you know the truth? Are you living the truth? Jesus is returning soon to take his people, are you one of them? Do you speak Jesus with your mouth, but deny him by your lifestyle? Get in the word and live it out!!! Stand for Jesus!!!
I was watching this game show last night with my husband and they had to do a "timeline" of things that happened in order from beginning to end. The person had to place all of the magazine covers in date order. They happened to be "Rolling Stone" covers. I don't read the magazine so I was shocked to see one of the covers. They had the rap artist Kanye West on the cover of the magazine wearing the Crown of Thorns and portraying himself as Jesus. He even had a nickname that mocks our Lord. He has named his CD and mocks our Lord. This is accepted why??????? Does he get to have freedom of speech because he is an artist and expressing himself? If he is able to do that then why is the next point I am going to make not accepted??
The show Duck Dynasty is one of the most popular shows that you see on TV. The father on the show Phil Robertson has been suspended from the show because of what he said in an interview. Before I show what he said, let me give some background. He has said out loud that he is a Christian and that they follow Jesus and read the Bible. On their show you can see at the end of every episode they pray to Jesus. In a few of the episodes they even quote scripture. So the average viewer knows from watching one episode that they follow Jesus. So why are people surprised when he quotes the Bible? From him quoting the Bible he gets suspended why?? Because he follows Jesus and the world is slowly pushing out Jesus. Here is the interview below:
“I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater,” Robertson said while leading the study.
“I have been immoral, drunk, high. I ran with the wicked people for 28 years and I have run with the Jesus people since and the contrast is astounding,” he said. “I tell people, ‘You are a sinner, we all are. Do you want to hear my story before I give you the bottom line on your story?’”
“Commonsense says we are not going to procreate the human race unless we have a man and a woman,” he said. “From the beginning Jesus said, ‘It is a man and a woman.’ Adam was made and Eve was made for this reason. They left their fathers and mothers and be united to become one flesh, that’s what marriage is all about.”
“Jesus will take sins away, if you’re a homosexual he’ll take it away, if you’re an adulterer, if you’re a liar, what’s the difference? If you break one sin you may as well break them all,” he said.
By this interview alone he has been suspended from the show because people are outraged that he quoted what the word of God says and that he doesn't agree with the worlds way.
Let us look at a verse in the Bible and see that it is being revealed RIGHT now as I write this:
For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts 2 Timothy 4:3
People today want to be their own Gods and pick and choose what they will follow or not follow.
I could write pages and pages about examples but I just wanted to do two to show how extreme one is and how subtle one is. The extreme one is accepted and the subtle one is suspended.
We live in a fast pace world where there is ALOT going on behind the scenes that many people don't know and are deceived. It says in the Bible that people perish for lack of knowledge. Do you know the truth? Are you living the truth? Jesus is returning soon to take his people, are you one of them? Do you speak Jesus with your mouth, but deny him by your lifestyle? Get in the word and live it out!!! Stand for Jesus!!!
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