Thursday, November 17, 2011

When you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, Amazing things can happen……..

When you are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, Amazing things can happen……..

            My husband and I attended our Wednesday service at our church and we were in the middle of praise and worship and we saw a man that we have talked to several times and he always asked about our son because he remembers when we used to bring him to church as a newborn.  Well we haven’t seen this man in awhile and the first thing that came into my mind was (To go into my wallet and pull out a picture of Gabriel so he can see how big he has gotten) and then I gave the picture to my husband and his thought was (Let’s give this picture to him) So he pulled out a pen and started writing on the back of the picture to personalize it.  Well the man ended up looking over and seeing us, and got right out of his seat to come over and give hugs and say hi J  We showed him the picture and he was so happy we were showing it to him, but the moment my husband said “Here this is for you to keep.”  The man started tearing up and us giving him that picture made him feel special and that we thought of him enough to give him a family picture and included him.  He gave us hugs with tears in his eyes and said “thank you so much, you don’t know what this means to me.” 
            Then after service we went to our couples class and this is the first time we went to the couples class on a Wednesday night because this is a new class they are doing.  Anyways, the class was very helpful and had good information, then we all got in a circle and started just sharing with one another.  I was very proud of my husband he was the most talkative in the group and was giving amazing advice to other couples.  Well towards the end we all did prayer requests, and this one lady that I have never seen mentioned to pray for her grandpa and then I saw her tearing up when she said it.  After the prayer requests were done, I looked at my husband and I said to him “I want to go over there and give her a hug.”  I walked over there and told her I want to give her a hug because she needs it, and as soon as I held her tight, I felt her weeping on my shoulder.  I just kept telling her to let it out and that it is ok.  We then talked for a bit afterwards and I told her that I would see her next week in class.
            These two stories I shared with you are to see how the Holy Spirit is always present and we can miss these amazing opportunities if we are too busy with things of the world and too concerned with ourselves.  Our prayers need to be:  Please Lord help me to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, let him lead me and guide me.  So when you feel something in your heart, or have thoughts it could be the Holy Spirit.  You know the fruits of the Holy Spirit:
    1. Love
2.      Joy
3.      Peace
4.      Longsuffering
5.      Kindness
6.      Goodness
7.      Faithfulness
8.      Gentleness
9.      Self-control
So when you feel any of these things know it is coming from the Holy Spirit, act on it and just be in the midst of him.  Be different from everyone else, and actually be concerned about another hurting.  Be selfless not selflish.

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