Friday, November 4, 2011


  L O V E….
                This word gets thrown around in the world today as if it is just a word.  People think love is a feeling they get and then they go with it and assume it is love.  People say they can fall in and out of love with people, and some even say that love can die and fade away.  Let’s look at the definition of what love means:  a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person/ a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend/sexual passion or desire/a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.  So here the dictionary describes love as a feeling of affection, and a sexual desire.  This definition describes how we use the term love in our world today.  Now let’s look at a true definition of love according to God  (John 3:16)  For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  Does this even match what our dictionary says?  This here is a true sacrifice of giving His ONLY Son and to take on all the sins of us.  We cannot even understand how amazing this is.    Could any of us sacrifice our own child for all of the sinners of the world?  Could you watch your child who was innocent, be beaten, abused, spit on, whipped, skin pierced, stabbed, made fun of, etc.  ????  This is something to think about because this is the true definition of what real love is.  Once you understand just a little of this, then you have something to comprehend and go off of. 
                Something I cannot understand is the divorce rate in our society.  In the bible God clearly states the reason for marriage, and the gift of each other between man and wife, and it seems people have a different definition of what marriage is as well.  Here we stand at an altar and make a promise to God through the good and the bad, till death do we part.  Then it seems as soon as it doesn’t meet what we had in our mind, people are so quick to bail out and forget what was said to God and the reason for marriage.  As you can see clearly there is a “world” definition for things and a “God definition.  Which do you want to have aligned with? 
                Awhile ago I saw an article that was in the news and a wife lost her husband who was in the marines, and she actually laid down next to his casket and spent the night laying next to him and played all of “their” songs.  This to me shows love, and it shows it going all the way to the end.  No bailing out, through the good the bad and the ugly.  When things get uncomfortable people tend to panic, but this is where God can be a big part of your life if you let him in.  It is funny I asked my husband if he would do what that lady did, and he agreed and then I asked him what songs would he play that our “our songs” and he gave me a list.  It made me laugh because the majority of our songs are about God and giving praise to God.  We love certain songs that we really enjoy together and they happen to be praise and worship songs to our Lord.
                So keep in mind that there are two definitions in our world related to everything.  There is the world’s way and Gods way.  What definition are you living by?  What definition are you raising your children by?  If you want to know more about Gods definitions and ways, the bible gives the guidelines of how God wants us to live and what he has planned for us. 

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