Thursday, November 3, 2011

How the Devil tries to convince us……

How the Devil tries to convince us……

                Each day we have thoughts in our minds that are continually racing throughout our head.  Some are pleasant, and some are not.  People tend to think that they actually come up with these thoughts and hold themselves responsible.  This is the best way I can describe it is that there is another “level” that as humans we cannot see.  There are angels and demons on this level and the angels are on God’s army delivering messages, and fighting demons, and the demons are sent from the devil to deliver his messages.  Now the devils whole goal is to keep us from our potential that God has for us, and he certainly does not want us to teach the gospel to help others obtain their God giving potential.  Now keep in mind that Satan is the King of this world, so if you are on his team, life can appear pretty easy and getting lucky and not having to deal with a lot.  If you are on God’s team keep  in mind that you are not part of this world, so things will be very difficult, people will not understand you or like you and you are a target for the enemy because he hates you.  If you don’t put up a fight against Satan, then you are an easy target and he doesn’t have to work at you, but if you fight against him then he will try to get at you anyway possible because you aren’t easy.  So let’s get back to the beginning, Satan starts with our mind and gets thoughts in our head and his goal is for us to speak them out, when we do this then his demons can get to work.  When we speak, we have authority over our words (life or death) and our words start to become an action in the “level” that I was talking about above.  So Satan will try to convince you that you came up with  these thoughts yourself, and throw you lie after lie.  What we can do is speak God’s Word immediately as soon as things enter our mind and speak them out loud into the atmosphere.  We cannot let our circumstances dictate our attitude, belief, or behavior.  This is the enemies greatest trick.  IF you have never read the bible and want to understand this greater then please go to the old testament in the bible and read Job.  Read what Job went through and all of the circumstances that the enemy brought upon him and the battles that he had to fight, and how he overcame them.  If you think you are having a bad day, bad life, etc.  Then read Job because your life will seem perfect  once you read what happened to him. 
                I guarantee today you will have random thoughts come into your mind, ask yourself where are they coming from, and what YOU can do about them.  Don’t let the enemy play you like a puppet, speak Life into the atmosphere with words and get God’s angels to work on your behalf and get the gospel to those who don’t know it. 

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