Monday, November 7, 2011


Constant Never Ending Battle……

                Do you ever just feel exhausted, defeated, weak, etc?  This tends to happen when you are in battle and you have been giving the tools and training.  There is all of this training done and then the final test comes and you either pass or fail.  If you fail you get to do it over and over until you get it right, but when you pass, you become stronger but then have to get right back into training for the next test that will be much stronger.  This my friends is called “living a Christian life.”  Every day you get out of bed and start the day, it is time to put on the armor of God and get ready for battle.  Each day brings trials, and some days there are even rewards.  J  This is a battle that must be fought day in and day out.  The only way the battle will be over is when you are no longer on this earth.  But, as long as we are alive and well, then there should be no excuses.  It is a privilege to be alive, so why buy into satans lies and get wrapped up in the chaos of the world by being too busy for anything.  We have loved ones with us that we need to spend time with, we have to become disciples of God.  I will share a personal story below….

                I have mentioned in my video blogs that I was always in and out with the Lord for the beginning of my life in my walk with God.  It is much harder to do the walk with God when you are alone.  If you aren’t in a good church, and surrounded by good people, and having godly counsel to where you have people remind you of God’s Word and help keep you in check.  So of course I was back and forth because the majority of it I was on my own trying to spiritually feed myself the word and there is only so much you can do alone.  The huge difference I noticed was when I was alone, and then when I started connecting the dots and seeing how important it is to have all of those other key elements.  I found a good church and I was hooked in that, then I started watching the type of people I was surrounding myself with because influence is everything and to be honest I have had wrong influence in my life (especially in my past ) for too long, and it was time to cut it out!!  Then I found Godly counsel by seeking godly women and pastors and the times I had doubt and fear I would talk to them and they would point me back in the direction of where I needed to be (in the Bible)  It is funny because once you start progressing spiritually you see where you start and all of the levels you go through and how much more you learn.  Here I started out alone, and now I found a church and going one time a week wasn’t enough, so then twice, then three times, then extra studies, etc.  You want more and more and you become addicted to serving God and his word.  Once you have it, you don’t want to lose it so you make sure to stay in it.  I have had people in my past especially when I really started becoming a true Christian and my life started showing it, they would tell me “You’re a religious fanatic now, you don’t know how to have fun, you are boring, do you think you are better than us now, I am a Christian but I don’t feel you need to go to church, etc.”  These are things that people tell me, and they start to judge you because you become open with your beliefs and start putting God first.  My best advice is Keep on Loving God first and foremost!!!!  People are going to come and go, and if people don’t understand you then don’t waste time trying to convince them, it isn’t worth the time and energy.  You will see circumstances start to change when you start fully serving the Lord, your eyes become opened and you are no longer blinded by the world.

                So…. Is this battle worth it???? ABSOLUTLEY!!!!  Life is short, we are here for HIS purpose not OUR OWN!!  We need to love the Lord with all of our heart and learn about his word so we can tell it to others and win people to Christ and get salvations.  There are people going to Hell and it is our job to put on our armors and start becoming real warriors of Christ.

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