Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So Important.

It is so important to write this, that I don't even think words can even express how important this is.  We tend to think of our own feelings, and our own situations and we could really care less about others.  Now, of course we care about our loved ones and close friends, I am talking about people we meet everyday or we pass by.  I am talking about people you may just meet for 2 mintues, or 2 seconds.  If someone does a wrong action (Ex: cuts you off while you are driving) we never stop to think "Wow, I wonder if that person is having an awful day, Lord let me pray for that person and lift that person up to you today"  We always think we are "owed" something and we deserve and are entitled to special favours.  This is a big lie that the enemy deals us daily.  We are all the same, we are all created equal.  I don't care if you are a millionare and a poor person, we are ALL EQUAL!!!  We all have special and unique gifts but we are all equal!!  We are all sinners in need of a Saviour and that is the bottom line!!!  There are people everywhere in this world that are hurt, they are hurting from the effects of life and with people so self-involved in their own situations, we totally miss opportunities to be humble and show love to one another, and most importantly share the love of Jesus.  Women today aren't in "sister hood" the way that we are supposed to be.  Women who are in christ are sisters, and we need to be there for one another through the good and the bad. It seems these days women are so quick to stab eachother in the back, and are in constant competition and never have eachothers interest at heart.  Each day we need to renew our minds and set it right and learn how to think right.  How do we want God to see us?  When you meet people wherever it is, be a disciple, be different, show love and kindness and most importantly don't be Judgemental.  Don't have a critical spirit, don't think you are better than someone else.  Everyone has a past, and everyone deserves forgiveness.  Afterall, Christ died for us while we were and are sinners.   We need to share that type of love with one another.  Next time you catch yourself not acting kindly, or lovingly try and figure out why that is?  We need to stop acting like this type of behavior is ok and accepted.  It isn't normal and it isn't what Jesus Christ died for us to have.  We are Sons and Daughters of Christ and we need to act like it and show others. 
  I was able to experience something yesterday that was  a true annointed "Divine Appointment" and it broke my heart and was beautiful at the same time because it was ALL GOD!!!  People are hurting and need to hear love and kind words and remember that Jesus is there for them no matter what.  Also, that God wants to restore your life and if there were pieces of it that you lost, he wants to fix it and make it better than it has ever been.  Please get up this morning and get your mind set Godly and train yourself to do this daily.  Keep in mind that we aren't here for ourselves and our purposes, we are here to learn and be disciples.   

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