Monday, November 14, 2011

Just Want everyone to know.....

                   I just had to Blog about how Awesome Our God is!!!  He comes through everytime in any and every situation.  We can often think we have it all figured out and then God can remind us that HE is in control and HE knows better than we do.  It is so comforting to know that He loves me so much and has my best interest at heart 100% of the time.  Things are never perfect and things are always changing, but God stays the same and his love never fails so I can rest in Him even when I am not stable in certain situations and afraid of the unknown.  It blows my mind how God hand-picked my husband for me how anointing our relationship is, it is different from anything I have ever experienced.  I know God has truly blessed our marriage and relationship.  It is beautiful on how God knew about Gabriel way before I did, and how he put certain people in my path to minister to me, and how he cared and loved so much for Gabriel while he was still in my womb that he protected him and kept him safe.  I can honestly say that God has his army of angels around me protecting Me and Gabriel.  God fought for my baby and made sure he stayed safe!!  In my lifetime I can look back and see how God was always with me and was just waiting on me.  He never gave up on me, and always gave more love when I needed it the most.  Every trial I have been through, I can now see why I went through it and what beauty came from it.  I am now equipped to be a strong wife and mother with what I have experienced and I can be there for my Husband and Son in ways I couldn’t before, if I did not experience what I went through.  God has truly blessed me with my family and I am so in love with them.  I am still learning how detailed our creator is and how specific he is with everything, and I am learning to appreciate it.  I do not want to take things for granted and let things pass by.  Every moment and every breathe is a gift, even in the Trials.  I am beyond excited with seeing how God has started to use me by helping women, and I can’t wait to see how God will use me to have His name be known and Him have all the glory and honor.  Every good thing is from God and for God.  I really feel this is the start of many great things for our beautiful family.  No matter where you are in your life right now, Stop, and give God thanks.  Give him thanks for everything and anything!!!  He loves you so much and is so detailed about you and what happens to you and your loved ones.  He wants the best for you but there is one key to receiving it.  Follow Jesus and do this in obedience.  You can’t be one foot in and one foot in the world.  You have to change your lifestyle if it doesn’t align with God’s Will and by doing this, everything in your life will align.  Have a blessed day and remember This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be Glad!!! Love Katy-Rose

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