All of us Christians have experienced the moment where you are in the ministry serving God and leading people to Christ, and all of a sudden you get knocked down from Satan and his demonic forces. Satan and his team cannot stand people who represent God, in fact they hate us. Satan would love to see us give up and give in to the temptation and go to his side. There is "the world" that is able to go on with their life and not have Satan breathing down their neck because they are not a threat to him. You can go to church and read the Bible and hear all about the attacks from the enemy, but once you become a true christian then you will experience them in real life. We need to read the Bible so we know how to have the full armor of God on and how to stand on the truth of Gods Word and not be distracted. My husband and I have experienced so many attacks recently especially in the beginning of our Ministry: Young Couples/Singles. We have been able to pour the Word into people and have even had the chance to lead people to the Lord, and the attacks came stronger. We can read Gods Word and go to church and praise him during the good times in our life, but what happens when the bad times come? We need to understand that the times that we are going to church and reading Gods Word is us studying for trials and tests that come our way. When the enemy attacks us, we should be so filled up with Gods Word that we are able to put out the fiery darts from the evil one. We need to know how to speak back to the enemy and rebuke him when he is trying to get inside our head. When we get attacked we need to first ask ourselves if there is anything standing in the way of us and God. We need to see if we need to repent for anything that is standing in our way. The Bible is VERY clear on disobedience. If we are partially obedient, then that is disobedience. We need to FULLY obey God and his Word. When he speaks it, we need to move on his behalf. I have just got done reading Numbers and I have circled the word "fully obey" several times in there, and right now I am in Deuteronomy and that phrase carries right on over into that book. You cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom. My husband and I are in the middle of an attack from the enemy and the first thing I am doing is making sure I am right with God and that our relationship is flowing. I am repenting and making sure that our relationship is open and truthful, I am also seeking him like never before. I have also told God that I am going to work on truly seeking him when times are good. I always make sure to acknowledge God during all good times and bad, but because I am human, I tend to seek him more when I am in a trial. I want my faith to mature where no matter what I am going through that I can seek God and keep up an open relationship. I do not want to be like the Israelites going around a journey that should take 11 days but instead takes me 40 years. So I want you to examine and evaluate how you act when the enemy knocks you down? Do you panic and freak out? Is that the only time you turn to God? It is time to get some true wisdom and revelation from God and seek him and keep him first, no matter what!!!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Do you Believe "Once Saved, Always Saved?" Look at scriptures below and find the truth!!!
1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 corinthians 13:5-10, deuteronomy 25:6, Nehemiah 4:5, Psalm 9:5, Isaiah 44:22, titus 1:16, acts 3:19, psalm 69:28, psalm 109:13, revelations 3:5. Matthew 7:21, Matthew 25:1-13. There was lot's of discussion on how people call on the Lord, but still keep living their sinful lifestyles (galatians 5:21) People will call on the Lord but their lifestyles show they don't follow him and obey him and when they call on his name he will say I never knew you. We CAN be blotted out in the book of Life. Do your lifestyles line up with Gods Word? Do you continually do things and know that they are wrong but don't try to stop? If we are true followers of Christ then we will have the Fruit of the HOly Spirit to where our lifestyles will clearly show it. We are known by our fruit.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Making An Impact While We Are Still Here...............
My prayer after reading this blog is that each person that reads this will get up and actually put this message into actions!!! So many times we hear good things and read good things to where we nod our heads and take notes, but that is all we end up doing. Here we have knowledge that we receive from others and from Gods word, but we are simply selfish with it. Why do we take everything for granted? More importantly, why do we take one another for granted? We hold grudges and hold onto things because we wait on our feelings to come around, and we plan on that person still being around here on earth. Why does it take horrible things to happen in order to get our attention? These are questions I hope that really make you think deep to discovering the answers. We become saved by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior in our lives, then we sit back and wait for a "burning bush" message. We sit and wait for God to move on us. Then we end up praying the same prayer "God use me, please use me to help others." Then once again we sit back and wait for the "Red Sea to be parted." If we truly understood that we are supposed to live everyday to the absolute fullest. Let us look at Psalm 90:12, it says " So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." We need to wake up every single morning and make ourselves fully available to God. We need to really turn our words into actions. There are going to be days when we will not feel like doing this, but we need to really press through our "feelings" and power through it. The enemy will try to get us tired and wear us out from situations and circumstances. We have the FULL AUTHORITY that Jesus had when he was here, we need to tap into the Holy Spirit and believe it. So obviously if you are reading this blog, then you are alive today and God has blessed you with another day. Do you find yourself complaining when you get out of bed in the morning? Do you have a job to go to that just gets you in a negative mood? These are strategies that the enemy will play against you to get you in a cycle that will keep repeating itself. We need to learn to fight back, and stop being the enemies punching bag. So what did you do today that you can say that made an impact on someone? I know we all have our families and friends that we invest our time in daily. What I am talking about is being bold for the cause of Christ and actually stepping out of your comfort zone. Did you notice anyone today that was struggling or having a hard time? Are you spending time with people that aren't godly? Do you blend in with the world and choose to play the "God Card" here and there when it is convenient? I feel the Holy Spirit is going to bring conviction in this message and I am happy that I am able to write this where people can read it. You are alive right now at this very moment, and there is no guarantee that you will wake up tomorrow. So let me ask you, if this was your very last day alive here on earth, did you make an impact while you were here? Did you leave your mark on others? There is going to be a day when each person is going to stand before God and he is going to ask us "_________(your name) So, you say you are a disciple of my son, Jesus Christ. What did you do for my kingdom? Did you lead others to me? Were you kind to one another? Did you follow my commands? Did you repent? Can you honestly say that you were a true follower? I am going to hit you with a scripture that puts it all into one big giant present. Grab your bible and look up John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commands." So if you say you truly love Jesus and love God, are you keeping his commands? Are you kind to one another? Do you love your enemies as you love yourself? Do you pray for those who persecute you? Do you forgive everyone of your accusers? Are you keeping your body sacred for your spouse? Do you treat your body as a temple? Do you honor your father and your mother? Do you share the gospel with others? Let today be the day where you start letting your actions become a spotlight for Christ. Let others see your love for our Savior through your actions and lifestyle. Make an impact while you are still here!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!!!
This blog is for everyone to read!!! This blog is really going to honor all of our earthly fathers and most importantly, our Heavenly Father!! Our Heavenly Father needs to be recognized on this day! God created us and knew us before we were formed in our Mothers Womb!! God entrusted us to the parents we have today. Keep in mind that we are ALL sinners and we fail everyday in this life. I am sure everyone can say how good or bad there earthly parents did. I am sure some people are badly broken and torn from the wounds that there parents might have caused. What I want to say to you today is that you have a Heavenly Father that is perfect and loves you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!! He accepts you fully with the good and the bad that you have done, and he wants to heal you from ALL wounds of abuse. Our duty is to acknowledge our parents and no matter what give them respect. We don't have to agree with choices and decisions made, but they deserve respect. If you are close with your family or haven't spoken to them in years please at least reach out on Fathers Day/Mothers Day and give respect. This life is so hard on humans, and we need to encourage one another and be lifting one another up. We need to stop looking at people to "fix" us, and start looking to God. Now, for the Fathers that have been there from the very beginning and have sacrificed and stayed active in the families lives, I want to personally say: THANK YOU!!! You need to continue raising the bar in the family and show the world, how REAL GODLY DADS do!!! Today in our society the world has made "men" look like a joke and that is because there are alot of "boys" running around pretending to be men. Real godly men take responsibility and step up to the plate and pick up their bibles and start to lead their families. Men, you have a responsibility to raise up godly children and lead your wife. For those of you who don't have fathers or never met your father, give praise to Our Heavenly Father today!!! Put your full trust in him and thank him for his provision in your life. NOBODY on this earth loves you more than your Heavenly Father. Now I wanted to write a personal message to my husband who is the father to our wonderful children. Carlos, you have turned out to be quite the godly man that you are. You have made giant leaps into becoming a godly man and leader. You have made sacrifice after sacrifice to our family. You have lived away from home from your family to work so you could always provide. You have always treated me with the utmost love and respect as your wife, and you are doing an amazing job with our children. When you come home from work you can see Gabriels face light up when he sees you walk through that door. You are HIS everything, he looks up to you as the manly leader in his life. He is going to learn from you and do what you do. He is going to see you praying with your family and want to do that. He is going to see you treating me with love and respect and want to do that to his future wife. He is going to see you praising Our God and want to start praising the Lord. He is going to see you reading the Bible and want to start carrying his bible too. Now for our beautiful angelic daughter, she smiles ear to ear when you come into her room in the morning. You have made the sacrifices by being up every night with Rafaela and never complained. You two have such a bond and connection that I cannot put into words. You have been here with Rafa from the very beginning and you are seeing her transform into a little lady. Rafaela is looking at you as the man in her life. She is going to learn how a man should treat a woman by doing it Gods Way. She is going to learn what behavior is acceptable from a man of God. She is going to look up to you and want to do things that are pleasing to you. She is going to strive to be a Proverbs Women because she wants to make you proud. Carlos, you are my dream!!! You are MORE than what I have every expected from a husband. You have every inch of my heart and I am ALL in!!!! I thank the Lord everyday for you and Praise God for finding favor with me. Happy Fathers Day to a Godly Husband and Father!!! Keep leading our family and we are behind you every step of the way!!!! Te quiero mucho mi
amor!!!xoxoxo Katy Rose
amor!!!xoxoxo Katy Rose
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Your Marriage Should ALWAYS Be A Work In Progress.......
Why do so many marriages fall apart today in our society? It seems like every girl has a vision of their wedding dress, how the ceremony would go, and meeting prince charming. If women dream about being married since they were a little girl then why do so many marriages fail? Why is the divorce rate so high? Why can't people seem to stay married? Here is what happens today in our society. People have a vision of what they expect things to be like, they have a vision of what they want their mate to be like, and they have a vision of seeing only the good/happy times. The ceremony of Marriage is the most sacred thing that two human beings can possibly do together. The truth that comes with marriage is that it is hard work!!! People think that once they get married they can settle in their home and just have everything fall into place while they have their feet kicked up in the process. Marriage needs constant communication. Let me repeat that again: Marriage Needs CONSTANT Communication!!! We cannot hold things in and we cannot be passive aggressive. We need to keep the relationship flowing constantly with no blockage. We need to make a point to spend time together daily!!! The most important thing to learn in marriage is to include God in the center of it. Too many people try to fix it in their own strength and try and change people in their own strength and we will FAIL EVERY TIME!!! The only person that can work on peoples hearts is Jesus!!! Since we are not Jesus then let us stop trying to do this. My husband and I have been married over 3 years and I can tell you that my husband and I just made a new routine to where we are connecting on more levels than when we were married in our first year. We have made a commitment to reading together every night and the book we are reading is : A Marriage After Gods Own Heart by David Clarke. We read this book together and we talk about what we read and talk about things we struggle with and things we are great in. When we are done reading our chapter we hold hands and pray to God. We come in full agreement with one another and ask God to be all over our family and in our marriage. When we have arguments we now have God included in them to where we work on seeing it from "HIS" perspective. No matter if you have been married 1 month or 10 years, marriage is ALWAYS a work in progress!!! Let me ask you this question: What have you done for your marriage lately? Have you been sitting on the sidelines and resting? Are their issues in your marriage that need fixing? Do you have an awesome marriage/an average marriage/or a bad marriage? Today is the day that you can turn your marriage around!!! It is time to get a plan with your spouse and get in agreement and start out small. Get a routine to where it works for you both. Sit down and read together!! Get in the Word Together!! Pray together and Pray for each other!!! Marriage is such a beautiful bond between husband and wife, now let us work for a Godly Marriage!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Our Second Contest Giveaway!!!!
Hello ladies this contest is for you!!! Watch the video below and see what you could win for free!!! The contest runs until June 22, 2013. We are giving away a beautiful handbag!! The rules are:
1) You have to "like" our facebook page: Young Couples/Singles
2) You have to refer our page to other people to have them "like" our page.
3) Once they "like" our page they can leave us a message of who told them about our page.
4) They can send us the name by private message or just post it on our wall!!!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Self Righteousness.....
Why do we feel that we are entitled today in our world and where do we get off having this self righteousness? Today our society is so money hungry and driven on social status. Everyone is looking to see what car you drive, what phone you have, what type of house you live in, what brand of purse you are carrying, and what type of clothes you wear? Our world is so close minded because we fix our eyes on these things and here all of these things are temporary and will pass away with the earth. We keep telling ourselves "this is the last thing I need, then I will be good." Do we realize that is a constant lie? We will NEVER be satisfied with the latest gadget? Do you find yourself measuring yourself with others? Or are you the one flaunting your money and possessions? Let us look at Matthew 6:19- Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. This is true wisdom spoken here and 100% truth. We have our jobs to where we work hard for our wages, and here we waste them on possessions that don't fulfill us. I have said this before and I will say it again. Our society is so fixed on debit and credit cards to where people don't carry cash on them anymore. It is a good idea to keep cash on you or in your car so if you see someone that needs help, you are able to do so. It is available to use to bless another person!! We can't just expect things to fall into place, we need to be ready and be prepared to be used by God. Now onto the topic of "Self Righteousness" let us take a look at Gods Word: Isaiah 64:6-All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags, we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. So did you get a raise at work? Did you get promoted? It wasn't you and your good works of righteousness. It was God!!! Every good and perfect thing comes down from Heaven above. (James 1:17) So have you gotten a gift or blessing? If so it is from God himself. We cannot earn anything through our efforts or good works. We can take a look around today in our culture and see money hungry people who serve Money and not God. In Matthew 6:24 it says - No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other; or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. So who do you serve? Who is your master? The Bible is truth and wisdom. Time to evaluate yourself today and see where you stand at this very moment. Do you need to make changes? Do you feel you are entitled because of all of the good things you have done?
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Book Review on "The Christian Mama's Guide To Parenting A Toddler."
I have just completed my third book review as a book critic. This book was written by Erin Macpherson and was a guide on how to survive and love your child's terrible twos. This book did have good tips in here with how to handle "the terrible twos." I did have mixed feelings about this book because alot of the information was repeated. I liked how there were sections of prayers for the mothers, and I also liked the personal stories she shares that she has experienced. Something that I didn't care for were the "lists" that were throughout the book that give tips on what to do. I personally believe that each child is different and unique and that it is hard to make one handbook that will fit all of the different types of children. I am glad that I did read this book because I was very intrigued by the cover and wanted to know more about the book. Would I recommend this book to other parents? Probably not because it didn't give much help as to what to do. It was nice to read stories of what other moms go through, but when it comes down to it for me, I will take it day by day and put my trust in God to equip me with what I need each day for my children.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Just A Reminder......
We are posting weekly videos of the "highlights" of what we cover in our class: Young Couples/Singles. Please go to our link below and "like" our page, so you are able to see our videos and get the latest updates with daily scriptures and thoughts. Have a Blessed Day and Thank You for your Support!!! - Katy
Saturday, June 1, 2013
How To Not Have Fear In Our World Today...........
First I wanted to have bible scriptures on what Jesus has to say about "Fear." I know Gods Word never returns void so I want some seeds to be planted when people read this, and not just have my own words. People love to have their opinions and say what is pleasant to themselves, but we have to remember that our words have a short impact on peoples lives. We may inspire someone for that moment and shortly after, but Gods Word plants seed, and will produce a harvest in time. God will start working in each persons heart, so it is our job to plant seed, by giving the word of God. So let us take a look at Gods Word.
2 Timothy 1:7- God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Psalm 34:7-The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Deuteronomy 13:4-Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.
John 14:27-I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart.And the peace I give is a gift that the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.
1 Peter 3:14-But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don't worry or be afraid of their threats.
Acts 18:9-One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, "Don't be afraid! Speak out! Don't be silent!"
These are just a few scriptures that I really like so I wanted to share these. The Bible is filled with many more, so open up your bible and begin your journey on discovering what Gods Word has to say for you.
My original reason for this post is the fact that we live in a very violent and unpredictable world today to where horrific things happen daily. It could be a natural disaster, to a shooting, an illness, violence, etc. This world is screaming for a touch from God, but people don't want to include him in their lives. It all has to start in our homes. We need to make God a priority in our families. Jesus is very clear that we are going to have trials and tribulations and that we are going to suffer. Jesus takes care of us though because he equips us with all the tools we need in order to survive and thrive in times of hardship. Once we have Jesus as Our Lord and Savior we have the full authority of Jesus Christ himself. We can speak to mountains and move them, we can heal people, we can speak blessings over curses, we can break bondage and strongholds. We can pray for people and send 10,000 angels to flight. So if we know about all of this authority, then why do we still fear? We need to speak Gods Word over every circumstance in our life. I loved the story of a woman who was in her house with her family and a huge tornado was approaching her house and she stood outside and literally spoke outloud to that tornado and spoke Gods Word to it and rebuked it. That tornado literally went around her house and left it alone. I loved the story of a woman who was hosting a tea party and an intruder broke into her house and she said to him "In the Name of Jesus, Get out of my house." And the man ended up leaving the house. There are stories like this all over, that we never hear about because the world tries to keep us in fear. Once you understand that our battle is not in the flesh but in the spiritual realm, then you can begin to realize that there are demonic powers and forces that operate through people. So instead of addressing people, we need to address the force that is behind them. So do you want to know the secret into not having fear in our world today??? Step one: Give your life to Jesus Christ, make him Lord of your life. Step two: Read Gods Word and start getting it in the inside of your heart. Step three: Get involved in a spirit filled church where you can connect with other believers. Step four: Speak Gods Word in everything!!!!!
2 Timothy 1:7- God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Psalm 34:7-The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Deuteronomy 13:4-Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.
John 14:27-I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart.And the peace I give is a gift that the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.
1 Peter 3:14-But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don't worry or be afraid of their threats.
Acts 18:9-One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, "Don't be afraid! Speak out! Don't be silent!"
These are just a few scriptures that I really like so I wanted to share these. The Bible is filled with many more, so open up your bible and begin your journey on discovering what Gods Word has to say for you.
My original reason for this post is the fact that we live in a very violent and unpredictable world today to where horrific things happen daily. It could be a natural disaster, to a shooting, an illness, violence, etc. This world is screaming for a touch from God, but people don't want to include him in their lives. It all has to start in our homes. We need to make God a priority in our families. Jesus is very clear that we are going to have trials and tribulations and that we are going to suffer. Jesus takes care of us though because he equips us with all the tools we need in order to survive and thrive in times of hardship. Once we have Jesus as Our Lord and Savior we have the full authority of Jesus Christ himself. We can speak to mountains and move them, we can heal people, we can speak blessings over curses, we can break bondage and strongholds. We can pray for people and send 10,000 angels to flight. So if we know about all of this authority, then why do we still fear? We need to speak Gods Word over every circumstance in our life. I loved the story of a woman who was in her house with her family and a huge tornado was approaching her house and she stood outside and literally spoke outloud to that tornado and spoke Gods Word to it and rebuked it. That tornado literally went around her house and left it alone. I loved the story of a woman who was hosting a tea party and an intruder broke into her house and she said to him "In the Name of Jesus, Get out of my house." And the man ended up leaving the house. There are stories like this all over, that we never hear about because the world tries to keep us in fear. Once you understand that our battle is not in the flesh but in the spiritual realm, then you can begin to realize that there are demonic powers and forces that operate through people. So instead of addressing people, we need to address the force that is behind them. So do you want to know the secret into not having fear in our world today??? Step one: Give your life to Jesus Christ, make him Lord of your life. Step two: Read Gods Word and start getting it in the inside of your heart. Step three: Get involved in a spirit filled church where you can connect with other believers. Step four: Speak Gods Word in everything!!!!!
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