Thursday, June 27, 2013

Do you Believe "Once Saved, Always Saved?" Look at scriptures below and find the truth!!!

1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 corinthians 13:5-10, deuteronomy 25:6, Nehemiah 4:5, Psalm 9:5, Isaiah 44:22, titus 1:16, acts 3:19, psalm 69:28, psalm 109:13, revelations 3:5. Matthew 7:21, Matthew 25:1-13. There was lot's of discussion on how people call on the Lord, but still keep living their sinful lifestyles (galatians 5:21) People will call on the Lord but their lifestyles show they don't follow him and obey him and when they call on his name he will say I never knew you.  We CAN be blotted out in the book of Life.  Do your lifestyles line up with Gods Word?  Do you continually do things and know that they are wrong but don't try to stop?  If we are true followers of Christ then we will have the Fruit of the HOly Spirit to where our lifestyles will clearly show it.  We are known by our fruit.

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