Saturday, June 1, 2013

How To Not Have Fear In Our World Today...........

First I wanted to have bible scriptures on what Jesus has to say about "Fear." I know Gods Word never returns void so I want some seeds to be planted when people read this, and not just have my own words.  People love to have their opinions and say what is pleasant to themselves, but we have to remember that our words have a short impact on peoples lives.  We may inspire someone for that moment and shortly after, but Gods Word plants seed, and will produce a harvest in time.  God will start working in each persons heart, so it is our job to plant seed, by giving the word of God.  So let us take a look at Gods Word.

2 Timothy 1:7- God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Psalm 34:7-The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
Deuteronomy 13:4-Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone.  Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him.
John 14:27-I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart.And the peace I give is a gift that the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.
1 Peter 3:14-But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it.  So don't worry or be afraid of their threats.
Acts 18:9-One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, "Don't be afraid! Speak out! Don't be silent!"

These are just a few scriptures that I really like so I wanted to share these.  The Bible is filled with many more, so open up your bible and begin your journey on discovering what Gods Word has to say for you.

My original reason for this post is the fact that we live in a very violent and unpredictable world today to where horrific things happen daily.  It could be a natural disaster, to a shooting, an illness, violence, etc.  This world is screaming for a touch from God, but people don't want to include him in their lives.  It all has to start in our homes.  We need to make God a priority in our families.  Jesus is very clear that we are going to have trials and tribulations and that we are going to suffer.  Jesus takes care of us though because he equips us with all the tools we need in order to survive and thrive in times of hardship.  Once we have Jesus as Our Lord and Savior we have the full authority of Jesus Christ himself.  We can speak to mountains and move them, we can heal people, we can speak blessings over curses, we can break bondage and strongholds.  We can pray for people and send 10,000 angels to flight.  So if we know about all of this authority, then why do we still fear?  We need to speak Gods Word over every circumstance in our life.  I loved the story of a woman who was in her house with her family and a huge tornado was approaching her house and she stood outside and literally spoke outloud to that tornado and spoke Gods Word to it and rebuked it.  That tornado literally went around her house and left it alone.  I loved the story of a woman who was hosting a tea party and an intruder broke into her house and she said to him "In the Name of Jesus, Get out of my house." And  the man ended up leaving the house.  There are stories like this all over, that we never hear about because the world tries to keep us in fear.  Once you understand that our battle is not in the flesh but in the spiritual realm, then you can begin to realize that there are demonic powers and forces that operate through people.  So instead of addressing people, we need to address the force that is behind them.  So do you want to know the secret into not having fear in our world today??? Step one: Give your life to Jesus Christ, make him Lord of your life.  Step two: Read Gods Word and start getting it in the inside of your heart.  Step three: Get involved in a spirit filled church where you can connect with other believers.  Step four: Speak Gods Word in everything!!!!!

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