My prayer after reading this blog is that each person that reads this will get up and actually put this message into actions!!! So many times we hear good things and read good things to where we nod our heads and take notes, but that is all we end up doing. Here we have knowledge that we receive from others and from Gods word, but we are simply selfish with it. Why do we take everything for granted? More importantly, why do we take one another for granted? We hold grudges and hold onto things because we wait on our feelings to come around, and we plan on that person still being around here on earth. Why does it take horrible things to happen in order to get our attention? These are questions I hope that really make you think deep to discovering the answers. We become saved by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior in our lives, then we sit back and wait for a "burning bush" message. We sit and wait for God to move on us. Then we end up praying the same prayer "God use me, please use me to help others." Then once again we sit back and wait for the "Red Sea to be parted." If we truly understood that we are supposed to live everyday to the absolute fullest. Let us look at Psalm 90:12, it says " So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." We need to wake up every single morning and make ourselves fully available to God. We need to really turn our words into actions. There are going to be days when we will not feel like doing this, but we need to really press through our "feelings" and power through it. The enemy will try to get us tired and wear us out from situations and circumstances. We have the FULL AUTHORITY that Jesus had when he was here, we need to tap into the Holy Spirit and believe it. So obviously if you are reading this blog, then you are alive today and God has blessed you with another day. Do you find yourself complaining when you get out of bed in the morning? Do you have a job to go to that just gets you in a negative mood? These are strategies that the enemy will play against you to get you in a cycle that will keep repeating itself. We need to learn to fight back, and stop being the enemies punching bag. So what did you do today that you can say that made an impact on someone? I know we all have our families and friends that we invest our time in daily. What I am talking about is being bold for the cause of Christ and actually stepping out of your comfort zone. Did you notice anyone today that was struggling or having a hard time? Are you spending time with people that aren't godly? Do you blend in with the world and choose to play the "God Card" here and there when it is convenient? I feel the Holy Spirit is going to bring conviction in this message and I am happy that I am able to write this where people can read it. You are alive right now at this very moment, and there is no guarantee that you will wake up tomorrow. So let me ask you, if this was your very last day alive here on earth, did you make an impact while you were here? Did you leave your mark on others? There is going to be a day when each person is going to stand before God and he is going to ask us "_________(your name) So, you say you are a disciple of my son, Jesus Christ. What did you do for my kingdom? Did you lead others to me? Were you kind to one another? Did you follow my commands? Did you repent? Can you honestly say that you were a true follower? I am going to hit you with a scripture that puts it all into one big giant present. Grab your bible and look up John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commands." So if you say you truly love Jesus and love God, are you keeping his commands? Are you kind to one another? Do you love your enemies as you love yourself? Do you pray for those who persecute you? Do you forgive everyone of your accusers? Are you keeping your body sacred for your spouse? Do you treat your body as a temple? Do you honor your father and your mother? Do you share the gospel with others? Let today be the day where you start letting your actions become a spotlight for Christ. Let others see your love for our Savior through your actions and lifestyle. Make an impact while you are still here!!
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