Sunday, June 30, 2013

When You Get Knocked Down By The Enemy, What Do You Do??

All of us Christians have experienced the moment where you are in the ministry serving God and leading people to Christ, and all of a sudden you get knocked down from Satan and his demonic forces.  Satan and his team cannot stand people who represent God, in fact they hate us.  Satan would love to see us give up and give in to the temptation and go to his side.  There is "the world" that is able to go on with their life and not have Satan breathing down their neck because they are not a threat to him.  You can go to church and read the Bible and hear all about the attacks from the enemy, but once you become a true christian then you will experience them in real life.  We need to read the Bible so we know how to have the full armor of God on and how to stand on the truth of Gods Word and not be distracted.  My husband and I have experienced so many attacks recently especially in the beginning of our Ministry: Young Couples/Singles.  We have been able to pour the Word into people and have even had the chance to lead people to the Lord, and the attacks came stronger.  We can read Gods Word and go to church and praise him during the good times in our life, but what happens when the bad times come?  We need to understand that the times that we are going to church and reading Gods Word is us studying for trials and tests that come our way.  When the enemy attacks us, we should be so filled up with Gods Word that we are able to put out the fiery darts from the evil one.  We need to know how to speak back to the enemy and rebuke him when he is trying to get inside our head.  When we get attacked we need to first ask ourselves if there is anything standing in the way of us and God.  We need to see if we need to repent for anything that is standing in our way.  The Bible is VERY clear on disobedience.  If we are partially obedient, then that is disobedience.  We need to FULLY obey God and his Word.  When he speaks it, we need to move on his behalf.  I have just got done reading Numbers and I have circled the word "fully obey" several times in there, and right now I am in Deuteronomy and that phrase carries right on over into that book.  You cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom.  My husband and I are in the middle of an attack from the enemy and the first thing I am doing is making sure I am right with God and that our relationship is flowing.  I am repenting and making sure that our relationship is open and truthful, I am also seeking him like never before.  I have also told God that I am going to work on truly seeking him when times are good.  I always make sure to acknowledge God during all good times and bad, but because I am human, I tend to seek him more when I am in a trial.  I want my faith to mature where no matter what I am going through that I can seek God and keep up an open relationship.  I do not want to be like the Israelites going around a journey that should take 11 days but instead takes me 40 years.  So I want you to examine and evaluate how you act when the enemy knocks you down?  Do you panic and freak out?  Is that the only time you turn to God?  It is time to get some true wisdom and revelation from God and seek him and keep him first, no matter what!!!

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