I am close to finishing Leviticus in the Bible. This is my second time reading this, and I find more things being revealed to me while I am on the second run of reading this. In Leviticus 20:6 it says: The person who turns to those who have familiar spirits and to wizards to prostitute themselves by following them instead of their Maker. It says to Consecrate ourselves and be holy, for he is the Lord our God. When I read this verse it really spoke to me. It really showed me that the little things really do matter. The insignificant things really do play an important role in our everyday life. Our society today is running for the "hottest and latest" news, tips, styles, etc that our shown from a popular celebrity/artist. People rely on their "idols" before they make decisions. It can be the simplest thing as to a hair style that a celebrity is sporting. People rely on good luck charms, and stones and this is also an abomination to God. We have to have our faith in God alone and have him first at ALL TIMES!! We need to be seeking Gods face, reading his word, and seeking godly friends and counsel. God is offended when we fix our eyes on idols and other sources. Many people seek psychics, mediums, familiar spirits, horoscopes, etc. These types of practices are involved in occults, and these types of activity are not from God. We cannot have on foot in and one foot out with God. We are either ALL in, or NOT in. We can't say that we Believe in Jesus Christ, and then still live the way that want to. A true follower of Jesus Christ, is one that loves God and obey his commands. We are known by our fruit. We cannot serve two masters. We have to serve God in the little things and in the big things. Some other little things that people don't think matter are: radio stations, music, movies, television shows, etc. When we watch and listen to things that aren't godly, we are poisoning our inner man and the devil can use that trash to start corrupting us little by little from the inside out. He starts in our mind, and gives us thoughts that can build up over time. If you are surrounding yourself with ungodly people and negative people, then guess what? You need to cut those types of people out of your life. Whether you believe it or not, people that we surround ourselves with, will eventually rub off on us and affect our own behavior. Jesus says in Matthew 5:8, Blessed....are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!! We need to seek God and keep ourselves pure for him. We will have his protection and covering and blessing for ourselves and for our families. It is time to start noticing that the little things really do matter, and that change needs to start NOW!!
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