Monday, May 6, 2013

Who do you want God to change???

People love to play the blame game and point fingers at one another.  It started with the first man and woman on planet Earth.  When God asked Adam and Eve what happened, Adams response was "the woman that you gave me, made me eat it." Then Eve's response was "the serpent made me eat the apple."  This is something that is still in effect today in our society.  One of the most difficult things in the world is to admit that "we" are the ones who have issues.  It isn't everyone else, it is us.  I always laugh because usually people will go to church with their friends, spouse, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, coworker, etc.  The first thing that people think is "Oh please God have a word for _________, they need to change, I can't take it, bring revelation to them."  Then the Pastor gets up and starts preaching and sure enough you see people nodding and glancing over at the person they have in mind.  You may even see someone even give an elbow to the person sitting next to them.  My response to this is :  Instead of asking God to change THAT person, ask him to change YOU!!!!!  We are all going to be standing alone before the Lord on judgement day.  We can't point the finger at everyone and say that they "made" you act that way.  It is time to be a mature Christian and stand up and take responsibility.  It isn't everyone else's fault!!!  So many times we see what is wrong in everyone else, but fail to see our struggles and weaknesses.  We need to stop worrying about everyone else, and start to look in the mirror at ourselves.  We are being distracted with the world around us, and we need to get alone with God and get in the Word.  When something happens, take responsibility.  We are a work in progress and we need to focus on ourselves and our own faith walk with God.  Instead of looking to the right and to the left at everyone around you, fix your eyes on Jesus and tell him to reveal the areas of weakness in your life.  I have been having so many things revealed to me recently in my faith walk with God to where I am going through the refining process.  Things are being burned away that don't need to be there and I am being purified.  I am a work in progress and learning things daily.  I have my moments where I get in the flesh and I have to repent immediately and get back with God.  God will keep you on the narrow path if you continue to walk in HIS ways and acknowledge him.  So next time you are having an issue, instead of choosing the blame game, and trying to act innocent.  Brush off your shoulders, stand up straight, look to God, and tell him to deal with You and to change You!!!  If everyone would stand up and take accountability for their actions, this world would truly be changed.


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