Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Breaking Down And Getting Real........

So many times today in our society we build up these walls and present this facade to people.  We try and appear perfect and try not to appear flawed.  We want people to see us successful, perfect marriage, perfect kids, friends, home, car, clothes, etc.  It is only a matter of time until the truth comes out and we are no longer able to appear perfect.  Usually what happens is that we reach a breaking point to where we are unable to hold it in anymore.  We can only stuff so much down inside of ourselves before it has to come out. So many people live years in this bondage and are still trying to appear perfect today.  I remember when I got back into church as an adult.  I saw all of these people that looked so comfortable in their skin and had such a peace about them.  I honestly felt out of place because I was still struggling with issues I had going on.  It was intimidating to see all of these people "have it together" and here I have all of my issues.  It took me awhile but I realized that it was the enemy working in my mind.  The enemy actually had me convinced that I was the only one that had issues and didn't belong there.  I ended up meeting people and working through things that needed dealing with.  I met some amazing people and actually started getting real with others.  As I opened up, they also shared stories as well, and I was able to see that we had so much in common.  I no longer viewed church as a perfect place, I now viewed church as a hospital.  We were all affected and beat up from the affects of life, and we were there clinging to Jesus and realizing that we need a Savior because we can't do it on our own.  
In our world today there is constant pressure about looking perfect, and being perfect.  Our world today teaches us to always want more, and to always get the next best thing.  Our world teaches us that it is better to live together, than to get married.  The world today goes against EVERYTHING that God stands for.  

When are people going to wake up and realize that they need Jesus?

People keep searching for the next best thing and once that fails, they are on to the next.  How many years are we going to waste living like this?  There are people right now that are in relationships that aren't working, and they are trying EVERYTHING EXCEPT JESUS.  If Jesus is not in the center of your relationship, then it isn't going to work!!!  May I please encourage you today to look in the mirror and realize that you aren't perfect.  I want you to realize that God created you!! You are unique, you are one of a kind, you have a divine purpose, you have a Savior that knows you better than you know yourself.  Your Creator is pleased with you right now as you stand!!!  You do not need to clean yourself up before you come to God.  He will take you as you are!!! Today is the day to break down, and get real with yourself and with others.  It is time to get real with God and confess to him that you need him as your Savior.  Once you let go, and let God become part of your life, you no longer have to carry the burden or weight.  You can rest IN him, and find peace.  I pray that today is your day that you make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life.  Are you hurting or in pain? Are you struggling? The come to Jesus and find true rest and true peace!

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