Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I was Born this way.........

This blog is something that has been on my mind since yesterday.  I keep hearing people use the phrase "I was born this way."  I want to go into this phrase more deeply and explain in detail.  God created us and he said we are VERY GOOD and he was pleased with his creation.  God created us to fellowship with him and be in unity with him.  When mankind rebelled against God, and chose Satan as their "god" and king then we inherited Satans plan.  Gods spirit left us and we could no longer fellowship with him.   So what happens now when we have inherited Satans plan?  Let's see, we are ALL born with original sin.  We are born with a sinful nature, we have generational curses passed down to us from our bloodline, we are cursed, everything is twisted.  God and Satan have a plan for our lives, and if you don't have Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you are fulfilling the devils plan.  When I hear the term "I was born this way, there is nothing I can do about it."  I want to tell people, we were ALL born into sin, and we are going to have behavior patterns that are sin and that have been laid into place from the enemy.  When I hear people say that they were born gay and that this was Gods plan for them, I want to tell them that Gods plan for mankind fell from the very beginning and that we all messed up Gods plan.  If we don't have the spirit of God in us, then we are fulfilling the enemies plan.  The enemy likes to pervert and twists Gods plan.  So since we are born into a sinful nature, he makes people confused in what gender they like.  When you see people cross dressing, do you think that was Gods plan for their life?  That is a confused mind, to where that is straight from the enemy.  Do you see how society encourages living together without being married?  That is the enemy twisting Gods sacred union of marriage.  Do you see a culture sleeping around from one person to the next, and that this behavior is encouraged?  This is from the enemy, God created it to just be one man and woman through marriage, so the enemy perverts that.  Does everyone see a pattern right now?  I hear people say that they don't know what's from God or not from God and the way to find that out, is to look at his word.  Our culture clearly does the opposite of Gods Word, so anything opposite from Gods Word and Will, is straight from the devil.  Once we have Jesus as Our Lord and Savior we can take authority over our lives and break the strongholds and curses that the enemy has had on our lives.  We no longer carry out his plans, but we carry out Gods plan.  We now have LIFE, instead of DEATH.  I really hope this blog at least spoke to one person and gave them a different perspective.  We all have a choice, we can choose God or the Devil.  We can choose God or Ourselves.  We can choose to be Godly or Ungodly.  We all have the same choice!!  There is going to be a day when everyones eyes will be opened and they will see all truth.  There is going to be a day when people will call on the Lord for him to save them, and he will say to them "I never knew you, away from me you evildoers!" Matthew 7:23.

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