Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Breaking Down And Getting Real........

So many times today in our society we build up these walls and present this facade to people.  We try and appear perfect and try not to appear flawed.  We want people to see us successful, perfect marriage, perfect kids, friends, home, car, clothes, etc.  It is only a matter of time until the truth comes out and we are no longer able to appear perfect.  Usually what happens is that we reach a breaking point to where we are unable to hold it in anymore.  We can only stuff so much down inside of ourselves before it has to come out. So many people live years in this bondage and are still trying to appear perfect today.  I remember when I got back into church as an adult.  I saw all of these people that looked so comfortable in their skin and had such a peace about them.  I honestly felt out of place because I was still struggling with issues I had going on.  It was intimidating to see all of these people "have it together" and here I have all of my issues.  It took me awhile but I realized that it was the enemy working in my mind.  The enemy actually had me convinced that I was the only one that had issues and didn't belong there.  I ended up meeting people and working through things that needed dealing with.  I met some amazing people and actually started getting real with others.  As I opened up, they also shared stories as well, and I was able to see that we had so much in common.  I no longer viewed church as a perfect place, I now viewed church as a hospital.  We were all affected and beat up from the affects of life, and we were there clinging to Jesus and realizing that we need a Savior because we can't do it on our own.  
In our world today there is constant pressure about looking perfect, and being perfect.  Our world today teaches us to always want more, and to always get the next best thing.  Our world teaches us that it is better to live together, than to get married.  The world today goes against EVERYTHING that God stands for.  

When are people going to wake up and realize that they need Jesus?

People keep searching for the next best thing and once that fails, they are on to the next.  How many years are we going to waste living like this?  There are people right now that are in relationships that aren't working, and they are trying EVERYTHING EXCEPT JESUS.  If Jesus is not in the center of your relationship, then it isn't going to work!!!  May I please encourage you today to look in the mirror and realize that you aren't perfect.  I want you to realize that God created you!! You are unique, you are one of a kind, you have a divine purpose, you have a Savior that knows you better than you know yourself.  Your Creator is pleased with you right now as you stand!!!  You do not need to clean yourself up before you come to God.  He will take you as you are!!! Today is the day to break down, and get real with yourself and with others.  It is time to get real with God and confess to him that you need him as your Savior.  Once you let go, and let God become part of your life, you no longer have to carry the burden or weight.  You can rest IN him, and find peace.  I pray that today is your day that you make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life.  Are you hurting or in pain? Are you struggling? The come to Jesus and find true rest and true peace!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Humbled Once Again.....

Yesterday was Memorial Day and the majority of everyone had this holiday off.  Well we decided to have a family day by taking the kids out to breakfast, then to the Park and then go have ice cream.  It was such a beautiful day so it was great to be outside as a family enjoying it.  This day was very special to me because it made me acknowledge my father who served as a Lt. Colonel in the Army, to where I had to call him and tell him thank you, for his sacrifice and time served for our country and family.  We parked our car and were on the way to the park and we saw these two nurses helping these to people that were severely handicapped. It was a man and a woman who had to have been in there 40's.  I watched these two nurses help this man and woman walk over to a park bench to sit down.  As I got closer I saw that the man was wearing an adult bib.  As soon as I saw this, I broke down into tears and began to cry.  I came up close to the nurses and told them that this is the most beautiful thing I have seen and thanked them for what they are doing for this man and woman and blessed them twice for their hard work and their generous hearts.  God always finds a way for me to thank him and to humble me once again.  So many people wake up able to see, hear, walk, talk, get dressed, etc.  These are things we need to thank God for each day.  There are people who don't know what it is like to wake up and have these gifts.  There are people who need help just doing the basic motions that so many of us do daily.  I thought to myself after seeing this man at the park, "Wow, God  here I have a 9 month baby that needs a bib, and here there is a 30-40 year old man that needs a bib as well."  It broke my heart because I know that men need to feel like men, and want to feel mighty and all powerful and independent, and here this man has to drop his pride down and ask for help on a daily basis.  It was remarkable to see this on Memorial Day and I thanked God for letting me see this because it moved me beyond words.  So please thank God right this very moment for everything you are able to do daily.  Do not take any of those things for granted because there is someone that can't do what you do.  I hope this opened your eyes the way it did mine.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Realizing that it is just You and God....

So many times today in our world we have a variety of relationships that we need to keep a priority on a daily basis.  These relationships could be with your boss, friends, children, spouse, etc.  We can get so busy to where these relationships can become the center of our life to where they can actually control our mood and our self-esteem.  I can honestly tell you that I have a hard time struggling with this, because I can put trust in people to where when something happens I get badly hurt and it is hard for me to recover.  It seems like time and time again God has been revealing things and I have had a breakthrough that I wanted to share.  It is just You and God.  We have to just keep our eyes on him and do what is pleasing to him.  People are not going to respond the best way to us, so we need to remind ourselves that it is for God and for him alone. Any action we do, is directed towards him alone.  If we look at everyone as if they are "Jesus" then we would watch how we spoke to one another, treated one another, and actually care for each other.  We need to treat everyone as if they are Jesus, and if they still say harsh words and do cruel things, then that is between Them and God.  We are held for our own actions, so we need to do what is right towards God.  I keep seeing God reveal things in my life with certain relationships I have, and I am reminding myself that it is just Me and God.  I cannot let someone else get me down and try to discourage me in me being outspoken and being myself.  I have had the picture painted in my mind now to where I am just honestly getting one on one with God and making it all about him.  I am at the point in my life right now to where I question things, and I know that the confusion is straight from the enemy, so I find myself in a real battle to where I am praying more boldly and fighting on the battlefield for the cause of Christ.  Please let me encourage you today, do not let others be a stumbling block to you, do not let others get the satisfaction of hurting you.  Every time something harsh is said or done, go to your prayer closet and get on your face before God and start talking with him.  In this world there are so many people who struggle with loneliness and depression to where they put their hope and trust in people, and each time they are let down and discouraged.  With every heartache and tear you experience, you have a Creator that knows you in the most intimate and delicate way because he made you.  He knows the number of hairs on your head and the amount of tears that you cry.  He cares so much about each person and makes time for everyone because he sees us as good and special. This blog is also a reminder to myself because I find myself getting let down and hurt, to where it can cycle and repeat itself.  Do not get angry at people, get angry at the strife that the enemy is trying to cause in your life and in your relationships.  The way we can really stand up and fight is to get with God and pray and intercede and seek him.  After I finish this blog I plan to spend a good amount of time with My Lord and Savior tonight because I need some revelation from him.  I NEED a word from him.  I hope this blog encouraged you and maybe brought some enlightenment to you.  In this world we really need to rely on other brothers and sisters that are in Christ because we can't function properly on our own.  We were made to work together in a unit and become the real body of Christ.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Little Things Really Do Matter..............

I am close to finishing Leviticus in the Bible.  This is my second time reading this, and I find more things being revealed to me while I am on the second run of reading this.  In Leviticus 20:6 it says: The person who turns to those who have familiar spirits and to wizards to prostitute themselves by following them instead of their Maker.  It says to Consecrate ourselves and be holy, for he is the Lord our God.  When I read this verse it really spoke to me.  It really showed me that the little things really do matter.  The insignificant things really do play an important role in our everyday life.  Our society today is running for the "hottest and latest" news, tips, styles, etc that our shown from a popular celebrity/artist.  People rely on their "idols" before they make decisions.  It can be the simplest thing as to a hair style that a celebrity is sporting.  People rely on good luck charms, and stones and this is also an abomination to God.  We have to have our faith in God alone and have him first at ALL TIMES!!  We need to be seeking Gods face, reading his word, and seeking godly friends and counsel.  God is offended when we fix our eyes on idols and other sources.  Many people seek psychics, mediums, familiar spirits, horoscopes, etc.  These types of practices are involved in occults, and these types of activity are not from God.  We cannot have on foot in and one foot out with God.  We are either ALL in, or NOT in.  We can't say that we Believe in Jesus Christ, and then still live the way that want to.  A true follower of Jesus Christ, is one that loves God and obey his commands.  We are known by our fruit.  We cannot serve two masters.  We have to serve God in the little things and in the big things.  Some other little things that people don't think matter are: radio stations, music, movies, television shows, etc.  When we watch and listen to things that aren't godly, we are poisoning our inner man and the devil can use that trash to start corrupting us little by little from the inside out.  He starts in our mind, and gives us thoughts that can build up over time.  If you are surrounding yourself with ungodly people and negative people, then guess what?  You need to cut those types of people out of your life.  Whether you believe it or not, people that we surround ourselves with, will eventually rub off on us and affect our own behavior.  Jesus says in Matthew 5:8, Blessed....are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!!  We need to seek God and keep ourselves pure for him.  We will have his protection and covering and blessing for ourselves and for our families.  It is time to start noticing that the little things really do matter, and that change needs to start NOW!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Videos from Lessons

Please follow our link because we will be posting weekly videos that summarize our lessons that we cover in our class.  We are trying to keep these videos under 5 minutes, so it will be a brief summary of what we covered in class.  We are having these videos posted on our page: Young Couples/Singles.  So please go "like" our page and you will be able to get weekly video updates from our class!!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Update.....

After having a long discussion, My Husband and I have decided to start doing videos every Sunday.  We teach a class called : Young Couples/Singles and our goal is to reach every country in the world.  We understand that everyone cannot attend our class because of where they live, so we created a Facebook page to where we post daily updates, weekly lessons, scripture, give homework assignments, etc.  We want people to really sit down and start getting serious with God.  We have been doing weekly posts describing what scriptures we cover in class, but we had revelation that videos would be a good idea.  We honestly feel that if we do videos, that it will reach more people and make more of an impact.  Sometimes just reading something on paper doesn't leave a lasting impression.  To honestly connect with someone by seeing them and hearing them helps make it more real.  We are going to do our first video on Sunday.  Our goal is to do a brief summary of what we covered in class, what scriptures we went over, and basically highlight all of the high points that were discussed. We are learning as we do this because we have never done anything like this before, so please be patient with us.  We are really praying and seeking God about what he wants us to do, and we honestly feel that this is something we are supposed to do right now.  So if you haven't already, please go to our page and "like" us on Facebook, and that way you can take part in our class!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Walk For Life 2013.......

Walk for Life is officially this weekend!!!!! This walk is to support the Pregnancy Centers for all of the work they do.  The Pregnancy Centers help Mothers and their Babies with: Food, Clothes, Diapers, Ultrasounds, Birthing Plans, Financial Help, Educate and Train, Save Babies, and most importantly Lead People to Christ.  Our family will always be a part of these walks because they are very dear to our heart.  The first Walk for Life that we ever did, was last year.  I was pregnant with my first child in 2010 and it was one of the most difficult times for me.  In "my" plan I never wanted children.  I was scared, and didn't feel good enough, and just basically wanted to run in any and every direction.  I wanted to run from Carlos, myself, and the baby.  The first thought that entered my mind was " I have to get rid of this situation."  I started to research abortion clinics and wanted to know more about the procedures.  I was in such a panic about being pregnant that ANYTHING seemed better than actually having this child.  I didn't care what others thought about me, I didn't care about the consequences, I just wanted it to go away.  It was a battle of depression for me, I hit an all time low.  I can honestly tell you that I prayed for God to take me and my baby away.  The enemy had me right where he wanted me.  I had no hope, and thought my future was over.  After seeking Godly counsel, having people pray for me, Godly Mentors, I decided to not have an abortion and to have this baby.  It took me months to heal mentally, because I was so depressed.  I was in guilt and in shame and scared out of my mind.  Towards the end of my pregnancy I started to finally get excited to meet this little person.  I was so curious to see who this person is, and knew that this child was so special to God.  God fought for this child's life, because he had specific people minister to me with words from him to speak into my life.  I knew that God has an awesome will for this child, and that I must carry it out.  I ended up giving birth to a baby boy on 10-6-10, at 9:09pm, 9lbs, Gabriel Alexander.  I don't have any words to describe what it felt like to hold my baby boy.  It was even more special because I know that I almost robbed him of his life.  I would of robbed him of his first breathe.  I would of robbed him from feeling his mothers arms around him.  I would of robbed him from his father, Carlos.  Carlos would of never had the chance to meet his son.  I would of robbed him from ever having his "first" (giggle, laugh, smile, rolling over, crawling, walking, running, talking, favorite food, favorite show, birthdays, etc)  Most importantly I would of robbed him from God.  God had a specific Will for Gabriel, and I would of robbed it from God by killing him.  When I think of it now my first thought it, "Wow, how selfish was I?"  In the moment I truly didn't care, because I was only thinking of myself.  Gabriel is so special to me and will always be, because God fought for him.  I am so excited to see the plan God has for his life.  After I had Gabriel, I became a Life Coach at the Pregnancy Center.  I wanted to help other women who were scared and didn't know what they could do.  I wanted to tell them my story, and tell them about God and help them see that they don't need to kill anything.  I went through the training, and started having my first one-on-one sessions.  When I say that God sets up divine appointments, he does!!!!! My first appointment was a woman who had the exact same story that I had experienced with Gabriel.  So as I was saying earlier, last year was the first year we did the Walk for Life.  We were able to raise money to save babies, and we took Gabriel on his first Walk for Life.  It was so moving for me to where it brought me to tears on the walk.  I was doing the Walk for Life and literally looking at the little life next to me, that I almost killed.  Our country says abortion is a women's choice and right, so many women today are being deceived because it is "legal" so they feel it is acceptable.  Killing a baby is NEVER acceptable.  When did we come off playing God?  Then we try to argue that "certain weeks of a baby" are acceptable.  A life is a life!! If that Life is one day old, one week old, or one month old, it is a life!!!!  We need to pray for women who have had abortions, scared into having an abortion, or think it is ok.  Get involved!!! Join the Walk for Life through donations, volunteering, praying, or doing the walk.  Let us join hands and Praise God for EVERY life!!!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Who do you want God to change???

People love to play the blame game and point fingers at one another.  It started with the first man and woman on planet Earth.  When God asked Adam and Eve what happened, Adams response was "the woman that you gave me, made me eat it." Then Eve's response was "the serpent made me eat the apple."  This is something that is still in effect today in our society.  One of the most difficult things in the world is to admit that "we" are the ones who have issues.  It isn't everyone else, it is us.  I always laugh because usually people will go to church with their friends, spouse, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, coworker, etc.  The first thing that people think is "Oh please God have a word for _________, they need to change, I can't take it, bring revelation to them."  Then the Pastor gets up and starts preaching and sure enough you see people nodding and glancing over at the person they have in mind.  You may even see someone even give an elbow to the person sitting next to them.  My response to this is :  Instead of asking God to change THAT person, ask him to change YOU!!!!!  We are all going to be standing alone before the Lord on judgement day.  We can't point the finger at everyone and say that they "made" you act that way.  It is time to be a mature Christian and stand up and take responsibility.  It isn't everyone else's fault!!!  So many times we see what is wrong in everyone else, but fail to see our struggles and weaknesses.  We need to stop worrying about everyone else, and start to look in the mirror at ourselves.  We are being distracted with the world around us, and we need to get alone with God and get in the Word.  When something happens, take responsibility.  We are a work in progress and we need to focus on ourselves and our own faith walk with God.  Instead of looking to the right and to the left at everyone around you, fix your eyes on Jesus and tell him to reveal the areas of weakness in your life.  I have been having so many things revealed to me recently in my faith walk with God to where I am going through the refining process.  Things are being burned away that don't need to be there and I am being purified.  I am a work in progress and learning things daily.  I have my moments where I get in the flesh and I have to repent immediately and get back with God.  God will keep you on the narrow path if you continue to walk in HIS ways and acknowledge him.  So next time you are having an issue, instead of choosing the blame game, and trying to act innocent.  Brush off your shoulders, stand up straight, look to God, and tell him to deal with You and to change You!!!  If everyone would stand up and take accountability for their actions, this world would truly be changed.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fitness for Beginners.....

This video is from our web page "Young Couples/Singles" go ahead and "Like" our web page!!! We do daily posts on our page, we just finished our first contest, and we will start posting videos of our lessons.  This video was important to post because I feel there are so many workout videos of people "already in shape" and it doesn't relate with people who are struggling to get back into shape.  I love the speed rope and I try and do the speed rope several times a week.  It is a fantastic workout and you can do it in a short amount of time.  It really gets your heart rate elevated and burns some serious calories.  I am not a certified fitness instructor, so please check with your doctor to make sure you are able to do physical activity.  I am only showing what I do and what works for me.

Church Presentation for Easter 2013, Check out video on Youtube

Check out this video on youtube....

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

The reason for this early post is because I wanted this concept to soak in a bit for everyone.  I know people recognize when Mothers Day is, and always make it a point to make that day special for Mothers.  My idea was to write a blog about Mothers Day and then when the actual day comes around, people will have a deeper concept of this day and realize how special this day is.  There are so many kinds of Mothers today: Birth Mothers, Grandmothers, Adoptive Mothers, Surrogate Mothers, Foster Mothers, Heavenly Mothers, Church Mothers, and many other types of Mothers.  Being a Mother is such a spiritual blessing from God.  He has placed a human life in our body and we help nurture and support a human life for 9 months.  God has a plan and purpose for that child.  That child is alive and placed here on this earth because God has a divine plan for that child to fulfill.  God has handpicked us to raise our children.  This is such a blessing that sometimes gets taken for granted because we look around and see SOOOO many Mothers.  Each Mother can remember how excited they were when they found out they were pregnant.  The feeling of having a little person growing inside of you is such a special bond that can't be explained.  We have this excitement in our spirit that God has entrusted us with this little life.  In our society today, you can see that excitement wear off when children become older and you can hear some people talk about their children almost as if they are a burden.  This is something we need to DAILY remind ourselves that our children and straight from the Lord and he has trusted us with their lives.  We are responsible for how they turn out and who they become.  Are they going to be a godly man and a godly woman?  Are they going to bring Glory to Gods Name?  Are they going to be set apart from the world?  We have a duty and responsibility to raise up our children for the glory of God.  I saw something on television that showed a little 4-5 year old girl that was talking about "kicking her brothers butt so he wouldn't do it first."  The parents in this video were laughing and thought this was so cute and funny.  This is just a small example of what NOT to do.  We can not edify this type of behavior.  We must correct and raise up our children in a godly manner.  It is not cute to have children use bad language, it is not cute to have children quote un-godly songs, and especially not cute to have children dress in an un-godly manner.  I wanted to emphasize this because I want parents to get that "newness" back from when they first found out that they were expecting a child.  We need to renew our minds that our children need to be pleasing to Our Lord.  Our children are not "Ours."  God created us and our children so we are HIS.  We need to do the best job possible as parents.  Our children need to come from loving homes where there is unity between the mother and father and no violence.  There is already TOO much violence in our world today, so let us at least get a hold of our household and stop it there!!  Make Mothers Day a big day for Mothers!!! Let them know how much you appreciate them and how thankful you are for them.  Let it not be just one day, but EVERYDAY!!! Call your mother and tell her how much you love her.  Call her on a daily basis and edify her and build her up.  Mothers, set a standard of how "love" is in the home, and express it to your children and to your husband.  Be the heart of the home.  Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  Let the mothers set godly morals and standards.  Husbands, Be the leader in the home.  Lead your entire household in a godly manner, and love your wife as Christ Jesus loves the church.  Be the most sacrificial and always turn the other cheek.  Children, respect and honor your parents.  Your parents have sacrificed ALOT to make sure you stay safe and healthy and secure.  Always appreciate them, no matter HOW OLD YOU GET!!!  Instead of waiting for the official "Mothers Day" start right now!!!  Start thanking the Mothers in your life, who have impacted you!!!  Let us edify and exalt all of the Mothers all over the World today!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Our Contest Winner Is......

This is the first contest we have held for Our Ministry: Young Couples/Singles.  We hope to hold more in the future, and would love to have you be a part of our ministry to where you are helping get the gospel of Jesus Christ reached to countries all over the world. We don't need money for this ministry, we just need your prayers and support.  So please get the word out to your families, friends, co-workers, and whoever else you meet.  Please feel free to join our page on facebook, to where you will get the latest updates for our ministry, and also get material that we go over in our class.  The link to our page is located on the main page in the right column. 

I was Born this way.........

This blog is something that has been on my mind since yesterday.  I keep hearing people use the phrase "I was born this way."  I want to go into this phrase more deeply and explain in detail.  God created us and he said we are VERY GOOD and he was pleased with his creation.  God created us to fellowship with him and be in unity with him.  When mankind rebelled against God, and chose Satan as their "god" and king then we inherited Satans plan.  Gods spirit left us and we could no longer fellowship with him.   So what happens now when we have inherited Satans plan?  Let's see, we are ALL born with original sin.  We are born with a sinful nature, we have generational curses passed down to us from our bloodline, we are cursed, everything is twisted.  God and Satan have a plan for our lives, and if you don't have Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you are fulfilling the devils plan.  When I hear the term "I was born this way, there is nothing I can do about it."  I want to tell people, we were ALL born into sin, and we are going to have behavior patterns that are sin and that have been laid into place from the enemy.  When I hear people say that they were born gay and that this was Gods plan for them, I want to tell them that Gods plan for mankind fell from the very beginning and that we all messed up Gods plan.  If we don't have the spirit of God in us, then we are fulfilling the enemies plan.  The enemy likes to pervert and twists Gods plan.  So since we are born into a sinful nature, he makes people confused in what gender they like.  When you see people cross dressing, do you think that was Gods plan for their life?  That is a confused mind, to where that is straight from the enemy.  Do you see how society encourages living together without being married?  That is the enemy twisting Gods sacred union of marriage.  Do you see a culture sleeping around from one person to the next, and that this behavior is encouraged?  This is from the enemy, God created it to just be one man and woman through marriage, so the enemy perverts that.  Does everyone see a pattern right now?  I hear people say that they don't know what's from God or not from God and the way to find that out, is to look at his word.  Our culture clearly does the opposite of Gods Word, so anything opposite from Gods Word and Will, is straight from the devil.  Once we have Jesus as Our Lord and Savior we can take authority over our lives and break the strongholds and curses that the enemy has had on our lives.  We no longer carry out his plans, but we carry out Gods plan.  We now have LIFE, instead of DEATH.  I really hope this blog at least spoke to one person and gave them a different perspective.  We all have a choice, we can choose God or the Devil.  We can choose God or Ourselves.  We can choose to be Godly or Ungodly.  We all have the same choice!!  There is going to be a day when everyones eyes will be opened and they will see all truth.  There is going to be a day when people will call on the Lord for him to save them, and he will say to them "I never knew you, away from me you evildoers!" Matthew 7:23.