Tuesday, January 31, 2012



                I had to take a survey recently because I am in the middle of training and it helps to learn as much as possible when dealing with people and counseling.  I had to take a survey about my childhood and had to answer a lot of questions.  While doing this survey I learned a lot of great things about myself and also I was able to see something from a perspective that I have never seen before.  This survey showed me that EVERY CHILD NEEDS a stable, god loving Father AND Mother.  It shows what happens when there are people who are raised by a mother or a father, divorced, step dads, step moms, etc.  If you look in the world the divorce rate is up and people have already had several marriages.  You take it back to the beginning of the bible and God created Man and Woman to come together as ONE.  So Gods plan was for you to have one person and become joined for LIFE!!  We are not supposed to experiment, test partners, have several marriages jumping from one to the next because “we aren’t happy.” We are doing damage to ourselves and our bodies and not to even mention that if we have children they are suffering the most.  As parents or even just people in society we can see children at a young age and then grow up to be dysfunctional or a debt to society by bad behavior and causing more harm than good and we ask “what happened?”  Well to be honest if that child had BOTH godly parents who took the time to mold that child and love that child and educate and teach that child, then the child would have Gods blessing and Gods covering.  If you are single, engaged, married, parent, etc.  YOU have a job!!!! Your job is to have God in your life and to seek his face and honor him with the way we live.  We can’t live like the world and live for ourselves and seek desires and pleasures that are selfish.  We need to respect our bodies because they are temples and not to be shown to the world and they are to be sacred and valued.  If you are single you should make a vow to stay abstinent, if you are engaged make a vow to work on pre-marital classes and how to have a strong marriage and to wait until you are married, even if you haven’t it isn’t too late to make a change and wait. If you are married then you can understand it is a full time job and you can’t get lazy and must always keep seeking Gods face and his Word.  If you are a parent it is so important to be stable and make sure your child has a safe and loving up-bringing.  I know lots will argue with what I have to say because a lot of people aren’t married or are alone raising children and the truth is that it can turn around with one touch from God.  If you make him important he will work 100% in your life and it will always benefit you.  So start seeking Gods face and making him a priority!!

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