Monday, February 6, 2012

Update 2/6/12

2/6/12   Update J
                There has been SOOOOO much going on, that I thought this would be a great opportunity to give an update on everything.  Gabriel is 16 months J I cannot believe he is getting so big, it is just so fun to watch him explore and see things through his eyes.  He has such a personality and has the funniest laugh and always has Carlos and I laughing hysterically.
                I am about 11 weeks pregnant J  We have our 12 week ultrasound on valentines day and we could find out what we are having J  (talk about a valentines day present)  We are just so happy that they are going to be close in age and have eachother.  We cannot wait to see how Gabriel interacts with the baby J  We are just so excited.
                I won a contest and my husband and I get to re-new our wedding vows on Feb 10 J  This will be cool to be able to re-new our vows and play games and have a reception and possibly win a honeymoonJ 
                I really give all thanks and praise to the Lord for my family and all of the blessing he has given us.  He has really been molding and shaping our family and helping us become more godly and open to making changes.  
                We are going to be moving soon in April, not sure where yet we have to look around and it is all up in the air, we know we need another room for the new baby, so it is time to upgrade J  I am so excited to have more storage space and have a screened in patio, that is something we don’t have now, and I really really miss it, so I am excited to get a chance to re-decorate another baby room and add some new things to the place.  I love to decorate that is one of my hobbies J 
                So this is the latest update on the Nogales family and we are just so thankful and grateful for the Lord in our lives J

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