Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gods TIming is ALWAYS right

            I am speaking for myself when I write this and this is honestly how I feel.  As humans we always try to do things our way or find reasoning that makes sense to us and we can justify it.  When situations happen and we aren’t expecting them, then we can try to do it our way and stress about it, OR we can sit back and trust God and not lose one hair over it.  I had a situation of the un-expected happen recently and I didn’t expect the way it happened and how it was presented at first and it really stressed me out.  I was overwhelmed and trying to figure out what to do or next step is.  I tried one night my way and was upset and stressed out trying to find a solution and then I just came to God with it and said “God Im scared, hold me, give me peace and take care of this situation for me and let it be done your way.”  I was 100% honest with God I was scared and felt trapped and it was almost as if God was just waiting for those words to come out of my mouth then action started.  Everything that happened after that was on Gods timing and he put a certain group of people in our circle to help, and our church family is wonderful and we can always count on them, and sure enough the answer came!!  Everything worked out for the best and sure enough it is even better now then when it was before.  I am so glad that I didn’t waste more time trying to figure it out on my own because I don’t need the stress especially being pregnant.  So here God was just waiting on me to come to him and lay in his arms and ask for help.  My husband and I are so blessed and highly favored from the Lord!! I am just so thankful!!! Amen!

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