Thursday, January 12, 2012

Majority of People... Are you one of them?



                                Lately, I have been noticing more and more how a lot of people say “they know Jesus” then follow up with their religion.  When people mention their religion at times it as almost as if they expect “their title of religion” to be self explanatory and that is good enough and no more needs to be said.  The crazy thing is even with questions and simple ones at that some seem lost and the truth comes out that they really truly don’t KNOW Jesus and the sacrifice he did for us and they don’t know how to receive it or even forgive themselves for that matter.  This truly saddens me because God isn’t hung up on what religion we are, that is something the world does to put a label on something.  God wants us to accept his love and the sacrifice he did for us so we can receive his grace and mercy and love.  Also so we are to do his will and reach others that are lost.  I have been meeting more and more people like this lately where they give this “religion label” and then can’t even explain what it is or what they believe and then when you ask the simple question “How do you know that you are going to heaven?”  People get scared and realize they don’t know.  This is how you truly know if you truly know Jesus and follow Jesus and love him and include him in your life.  So if this includes you then you shouldn’t be embarrassed just be happy that you are able to discover this on your own before it is too late.  It is sad to say that some people ignore it until it is too late and when that happens then there are no more chances.  Once your life here on earth is done, you are judged on everything from when you lived to when it ended.  So if you haven’t accepted the Lord truly, then sad to say, you are eternally separated from God.   
                                So instead of labeling yourself and having that give you a “feel good” when religion isn’t about a label, a feeling, a list of rules, etc.  Religion complicates things if you ask me.  I am talking get down to the bare bone, the bare basics and start at the very beginning.  Be real with yourself and ask yourself if you have truly accepted Jesus and if you have been living for yourself or for God?  No more lying to yourself or making excuses.  What is more important?  This life?  Or Eternal life? 
                                On a personal note, I was raised catholic and that was fine for the time being and the school was nice but when I grew up I actually discovered that there was so much that I was never taught or explained to about things.  There were so many gaps missing in my life regarding faith and I was trying to put back pieces that were missing.  I discovered Christian Church and saw that it was as real as it gets and the bible is read word for word and you can follow yourself.  I loved the concepts you can apply to your everyday life from the reading.  The word becomes alive!!!  The point of going to church isn’t so you can check it off your list and feel good.  It is so you can adore the Lord with praise and worship and be with other Christians your sisters/brothers and get that spiritual food for the week ahead.  You should feel supercharged when you leave church, and if you aren’t getting that when you leave church then stop lying to yourself and see that something big in your life is missing and that there is more that God wants you to have.

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