Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well I am proud to say that my little man is 3 months old today :)  How exciting!!!!  He is growing so beautifully and I am at wonder just watching him grow into his own little person.  Well I was reading in my new favorite book last night and a few passages absolutley blew me away.   I will explain what i read in my own words.  It was talking about this world and the ways of "this world" and basically how satan is king of this world because it is all about materialistic posessions, and being envious of one another and basically to only look out for yourself.  I have mentioned this before but the truth is that if you "fit" in good with "this world" then chances are, you aren't too close to Jesus because it is the exact opposite of what he wants.  The more abnormal you are, the better it is because you can keep your mind clear and your heart clean.  We are always going to be sinners, but you can filter in what you choose to see and hear.  Little by little your heart can be heartened, and before you even know it, things become the "norm" to you and you are not bothered.  I caught something on tv and it was a reality show and this couple met one night and just jumped into bed with eachother in the first night of knowing eachother.  This really blew me away, I had to turn my head away because it was so disgusting.  I do not want to pollute my mind with the garbage that is on tv these days.  I know everyone says one thing and does another, but the trick is to catch yourself before you fall too deep.  If you slip up, repent and move on and learn from it, and teach others.  Do you know that the Holy Spirit lives and breathes in you when you accept jesus into your life?  Do you know that he can thrive in you fully or partially?  When you consume yourself with these things of the world, the holy spirit isn't able to reach full potential.  I don't know about you, but I want full potential of Gods Gift. 
     There was a line in the book and it said "Sin in your life reveals where your loyalties are."  WOW this is sooo true!!!!!!!  If you were to keep a journal of what you did throught the day, your thoughts, what you watched, listened to, etc.  you would see where your loyalites are, and then evaluate them.  How much is God factored into your day??? It should be more than everything else you plan to fit into your day.
     So food for thought........... Now is the time to start making a real commitment to the Lord and showing your love for him, don't be like everyone else!!!!!!!!!!! rejoice in being abnormal!!!!!

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