Friday, January 14, 2011


Everytime you think you are going through something that seems too hard, too much, impossible, remember one thing:  Jesus has been there.  Do you know that he went through more than anyone else will ever go through on earth???  It is always so easy to play into the "woe" is me, nobody understands, but the truth is that Jesus has been there.  When you study the story and really see all that Jesus went through, it is mind-blowing.  Here he did all of it for us sinners.  Talk about amazement!!!!!!!!!  It mentions that when he was at the garden he fell to his knees and cried out to God and was sweating blood.  There is an actual medical condition for that called :Hematidrosis.  It is when a human is under severe stress that they actually sweat blood.
  Have you ever experienced this????   Here we go through out little stress and to us it looks so huge and we make it so much more than it really is.  Can you imagine how Jesus felt? Talk about feeling alone, he literally had the whole worlds fate on his shoulders.  We have no idea of even that type of pressure, and here today people are selfish and think about themselves and so wrapped up in this society and materialistic items.  It really is sad.  Why do people think they have so much time?  Everyone always thinks, "oh I will get around to it, right now i am having fun."  Do you realize that if you wait, your time on earth could be up and you are judged for eternity up until that point.  Doesn't that scare people????  I know that I don't want to waste time here on earth and not waste time reading and studying Jesus and try to spread the word to others.  
  If your peers aren't into the same thing, then they are only a distraction, be around people that want to see you do good and motivate you.  Everyone always wants to go out and party and to be honest it is all a distraction to take you away from what you should be doing.  It is fine to do it in moderation as long as you don't lose yourself, but people usually make excuses for themselves!! 
    So next time you want to be dramatic and feel that nobody understands, shut up, pray and start a relationship with God!!!  KatyRose

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