Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1/4/2011 it's the new year

It's a New Year 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rejoice and be glad that you are kept alive another year!!!  I am so grateful and thankful, i have so many plans and goals that I am very much ready for 2011 to begin!!!  Lets see here, i just had a baby 3 months ago, so it's obvious that I have had to get insync with my very new and exciting routine!!!  Gabriel is such a good baby boy, he sleeps all through the night and doesn't cry much at all, and he is a smiling baby boy just like his mommy :). Everyone who knows me, knows that i have a smile plastered on my face 24/7.  I am working on finishing the bible I am literally almost done with completing the whole bible and it is very exciting since that has always been my goal to at least read the whole bible one time while here on earth, when i complete that, im starting it all over again but this time going to do intense study on each section.  I am just very excited because I want to live out God's full purpose. I need to make sure I am a godly wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend!!!! So this is something I am working on!!!!  Many blessings to everyone in this beginning 2011!!!

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