Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/25/11 Receive/Marriage....

Two Blogs into one: :)

Receive-  The first blog is to receive God into your heart.  So many people say they are saved, and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and they think that is enough.  It is great to confess it with your mouth and have it in your mind, but what about your heart?  If something is in your heart, you hold it so close to you that your actions revolve around it, you make time for it, you take it into consideration etc.   So if you really take God into your heart, then you will start living the word of God.  You will second guess your thoughts, actions, etc.  People make excuses stating they are too busy, too stressed but the truth is that God is number 1 in your life, and if that is true then there are NO EXCUSES!!  You make time, and how you do that is that you have him in your heart, and make him a priority.  It is too easy to do what everyone else does, and that is be self involved and make it all about "you."  You take that route, then you will lead a life that is never satisfying and you will constantly be going from one to the next looking for fulfillment.  God is the only one that can leave you satisfied, and whenver you have  a problem he is the only one who can mend it the right way.  When you surround yourself with Godly people, you see yourself motivated and enlightened and have help getting on the right track.  If you don't then it is the exact opposite, you will get motivated but it will get you in the wrong direction, a distance away from God.  So Receive God in your heart everyday, remind yourself, make notes if you need to.

Marriage:-    Now alot of people have an idea of how marriage should be and what it is.  The true meaning of a marriage is a covenant between two people and God.  You become joined as one, and you serve God together and he is the center of the bond. God has to be number one in each individuals life before they find a companion.  So when you become married both people have the same view, and that is God is number 1 and the priority.  Next comes your spouse, So since God is first, then your spouse comes second and following that is your children (third)  So if both people have mindset then that is the Will of God for marriage.  Any dispute that arises will be handled and mended because God is the main focus, you don't go with what the "world says you should do."  The husband is the spirtual leader of the entire household that means he takes the most responsibility and also takes blame because he is not to be prideful, he is supposed to show example of the way to live and how to be godly.  If he sees others stepping out of line, it is his responsibility to get them back on track.  Marriage is a very serious comittment that people take lightly because there is so much divorce.  When people take their vows they say for better or for worse.  But it seems people make limits on to what the phrase "for worse" means, because people bail out when it gets hard.  This shows that if each individual really had God first in their life then divorce wouldn't happen, but since people don't then that explains why the divorce rate is up.  So if you are married :)  Cherish God together, worship God together and cherish one another as a couple.  If you aren't married get right with God first on your own and look for the same in a mate and when it is Gods timing it will happen.  God Bless KatyRose :)

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