Thursday, August 29, 2013

Truly Blessed......

Why am I so blessed? I am blessed because I am a child of the one true king!!! God takes care of his children and ALWAYS provides!!  My God has given me the desires of my heart!  When you do things Gods Way, you will have his blessing and protection over every inch of your life.  I look at my Marriage and literally am in awe!  My husband and I are stronger today than when we first got married and we are more closer today.  I can honestly say that I love my husband more today then when we first got married.  I see what God is doing with him and how God is carefully molding him into a Godly Strong Leader.  I know God has found favor with me because he has given my my gift (which is my husband)  I totally don't deserve my husband and I remind myself to NEVER take him for granted.  So many people are in their marriages and they are struggling.  It breaks my heart that people cannot have what "we" have and have not found what we have found.  Marriage is such a blessing and the joining of two becoming one, and so many people remain as "two" individuals and never fuse together as one.
  I look at my children and it blows me away!!! God has blessed me with such a beautiful little boy and a beautiful little girl.  Gabriel is a true angel and I will always have a special place for him because of what I went through with him while I was pregnant with him.  Gabriel is a true miracle baby and God has something SO BIG planned for Gabe and I cannot wait to see what it is.  God blessed us with Rafaela who is just so beautiful and so sweet.  She has such a personality and she is going to be such a godly woman.  We cannot wait to teach our children the Lords Ways!!!!
  God has blessed me with such a Godly Church!!  I can honestly say that I am in love with my church.  I look forward to going each week and I cannot wait to teach our class each week.  We have met so many amazing people that we now call family.  We have been through good time and bad times and have had our church family be there FULLY for us and support us.  I have never experienced this until I met our Church.  My husband and I love that we hear the Word of God there and also that we get to share the Word of God with others.  We are truly humbled that God would even use us at such an amazing church!! We thank him daily for our church family!!!
     No matter what you encounter or go through remember that if you do it GODS WAY, you WILL BE blessed!!! Time to surrender EVERY area of your life to him, not just half of your life!!! Get ALL in with God so you can be blessed!!

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