Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choosing Gods Way Above Anything Else.............

  Do you see that Our God is so loving and patient that he gives us free will?  Our God is not pushy and demanding, he gently moves us and whispers to us.  He waits on us and doesn't yell.  Here humanity messed up and God had a plan to redeem his people by sending his ONLY Son Jesus Christ to die for us and this gift is FREE to all who receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
   When you truly receive Jesus in your life you fully accept what he did for you on the cross at Calvary.  You understand how you don't deserve it and that it is 100% grace!  This should be such a revelation for you that now you want to please God.  You want to live for God and now do it HIS way.  How do we do that?  God gives us his manual, The Bible.  The Bible is the best selling book in the world and there is a reason for that.  Gods Word is composed from the Holy Spirit and things happen when you read his word.  The Holy Spirit will be stronger in you to where you will have a stronger conviction to where you start living Gods Way.  You want to have fellowship with God daily and want to spend time in His Word!  I can remember in the past I never liked going to church because it felt like a chore.  It was something I had to do and was told to do.  I would always get so tired and bored in church to where afterwards I needed a nap.  When I fully received Jesus I realized how much I need church!  I now look forward to church and want to do it twice a week.  I cannot get through an entire week without church on Wednesday or Sunday.  I need a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit because I feel dirty having the effects of the world on me.  I need a pure heart and I need cleansing.  The deeper you get with Jesus the more you hunger and thirst for him.  You cannot get enough of Jesus, you want to submerse yourself in him.
       It is easy to choose Gods way when things are good and easy.  When there is temptation and struggle then this is where the TRUE test takes place.  Do you honestly believe Gods Word?  If so then God wants to see how you are under a temptation.  He will always provide a way out when you are being tempted, but you cannot get your flesh get in the way of that way out that he provides.  Remember that Our God is gentle and not pushy.  The enemy is the one that pushes and shoves and breathes down your neck.  The enemy will threaten us and make HIS way look like the only option!  We know that he is lying to us because he is the Father of Lies, and that we just need to keep looking for God because God is ALWAYS on time!!  We need to choose Gods Way above ANYTHING else.  I personally believe that forgiveness is one of the hardest things that society struggles with today.  There are so many hurts and hurt people that continually go around hurting one another.  Pride loves to get in the way to where we "puff" ourselves up to where WE decide if that person should be forgiven or not.  This is the time to show that God is first in your life!! He says to forgive because then Our heavenly Father will forgive us.  Do you see that we are doing ourselves the favor when we forgive those who persecute us?  We are instructed to pray for those who hurt us.  I am not talking about a quick prayer, I am talking about a prayer that you would pray for your closest family member.  God sees our heart and knows when we are sincere.  So I want to tell you to seek quiet time with God and spend time in his word.  Choose HIS way NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE!

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