Thursday, November 15, 2012


False Evidence Appearing Real...........  How does the enemy like to grip us the most? hmmmm... by putting fear in our lives and in our minds.  We like to play the "what if game?"  We like to try and out weigh our circumstance to see all the possible outcomes and plan for each and every scenerio.  To me this sounds exhausting!!! It sounds like if we think like this, our minds NEVER rest and we are always planning and in "go" mode.  This is a GREAT plan the enemy does to get us off track.  He keeps us busy and always on the go so we don't take time to stop and look around us and see what is REALLY IMPORTANT.  So now you ask "Katy what is really important?"  What is important is that you were able to wake up today, God has given you life this morning, you have new blessings poured out fresh today from God today, you have a roof over your head, you can shower, brush your teeth, get a drink, get something to eat, have clean clothes to put on, deodrant, can wash clothes, have electricity, have a vehicle, have a job, family, pets, friends, freedom with nobody telling you how to live or who to worship, etc.  Be grateful people!!! Don't get in the scheme of the enemy and jump from here to there and take everything and everyone for granted.  Why do you think we need church? We need church to slow us down off of our schedules to where we can just sit down and rest and focus on the most important person GOD!!!! We need a fresh breathe of his spirit poured out on us, we need a renewal of our minds, we need bible study, we need fellowship with other believers to hold us accountable when we need people to be straight with us when we get out of line.  This is what church is supposed to be!!!  We are supposed to be grateful and thankful because God has a plan for each of us and we are not supposed to rush through life.  Before you know it, you will be old and you won't have anything of real value of by your side.  Yes you may have money and nice things, but as it states in James those things just stack up on earth and collect moths.  People come and go everyday, we need to cherish one another like we have never cherished them before.  Yes we have rough times ahead, yes there is unknown ahead, but lets focus on RIGHT NOW!! Live in the Present!!! Cherish all that God has given you and thank him for it.  Get out of the flesh, and get into the spirit.  Fall in love more than ever with the Lord today, more than you have ever before.  We need to stop letting satan put fear in our mind, and stop him from keeping us so busy with world stuff!!!

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