Saturday, November 3, 2012

Feeling Stressed Out??

What happens to us most of the time while living in this world? We get stressed out over everything.  Financial Stresses, Health stresses, marriage stresses, relationship stresses, family stresses, emotional stresses, etc.  You name it, it is a stress!!! Did God know what kind of world we would be living in with all of these stresses? Or did he just forget? Did this world pressure take him by surprise? It seems like men, women, children, elderly, no matter what, everyone is stressed  out!!  Do you see people driving and how stressed out they are?  When did this happen?  I think about back in the day to when we didn't have cars, we had horses and buggies, now to me, that sounds like people had a right to be stressed out because traveling would of taken months to get around.  Here we have amazing technology to get around wherever we want, and we are un-grateful.  When did we forget how blessed we are?  The answer to all of this is that we were not made for "this type of world."  God had the perfect plan for each of us, we were made in his perfect image to do amazing things and bring Glory to God.  The moment satan made his mark on this world and we are now sinful, we have to deal with worldy pressures, that are constantly tempting us.  The good news is that no matter what, God STILL has a plan!!! Even though we are sinful, even though we messed up our purpose, God is STILL GOOD!!! He sent his perfect, sinless son, Jesus Christ to die in our place, and to endure TRUE stress.  He had the ultimate stress (the weight of the world on his shoulders, all of our sins on his shoulders)  Anytime you feel like you are stressed out, think of what Christ endured for you, and what he went through for YOU!!! Yes it is an intimate relationship, it is a LOVE relationship where he died just for you!!!  Here in this world we think we have "the image of what love is."  The truth is that is worldly love, it isn't true love.  TRUE LOVE IS JOHN 3:16.  Here someone gave their only son to die in your place, could you do that?  That should be our model for what REAL LOVE is!!! This stuff on TV, or how people treat eachother, it is because people are deceived and choose the "normal."  All throughout the bible, Jesus tells us "Fear Not."  These are not just words, this is him knowing EVERYTHING and everything that is to come, and still he says "Fear Not."   God is never surprised, he already knows everything from beginning to end.  So when God speaks we need to listen and take him seriously.  Next time you are feeling fear, remember Jesus' words "Fear Not." It is an Instruction, we need to follow it.  If you are a true follower of Christ, then we need to obey our teacher.  So have you been feeling stressed out lately?  I have two words for you: FEAR NOT!!  The man who died for you to have an abundant life, told you to do so.  The man who has your name written in Heaven on the palms of his hands says so.  The man who was the only perfect person says so.  The man who loved you before you loved him, says so.  ENOUGH SAID!!

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