Monday, November 12, 2012

Let's Talk about ME......

There are issues that people struggle with, but at times we don't even know what we are truly struggling with.  The best way I can put it, is that people always tend to think that it is always "someone Else's fault," or "problem."  It is always so easy to see the wrong in someone else and judge someone else.  The truth is that the Lord teaches us that we are to look at ourselves and our own faults.  So instead of focusing on someone Else's, focus on your own.  If you are having issues with someone, a significant other, friend, family member, etc.  Instead of trying to change them, or fixing them, turn it on yourself and work on you!!!  Do you ever notice the more you bring up something that you want changed in that person, that usually the change doesn't happen because it is getting constantly brought up? So it is a waste of time anyway, to spend time talking about someones problem.  Pray, seek God and ask God to change YOU.  Change ME God!!  Change me so I am able to tolerate that person, or with the change coming from yourself, it can cause a ripple effect and actually have that person change as well.  God always sees the ENTIRE picture and knows best for us and everything happens for a reason, so we just need to trust him!!! In trials that we don't understand, get on your face and seek God, seek his presence, seek his peace and ask for the change to be brought in you!!!  We all need to work on things about ourselves, as long as we are alive on this earth, we are going to be constantly improving ourselves and working on our weaknesses.  We aren't perfect beings, and we are all sinners, but that is the beauty.  He finds beauty in the broken!!! So let's do the best we can, and take care of ourselves!!! Focus on You, Focus on what YOU need to do, not the other person!!  After all, in the finale of it all, it is going to be YOU and GOD ALONE!!! It isn't going to be you, God, and another person.  We are all judged solely, so make sure you do the best you can do because you are going to have to answer for it!! Each and every action will have to be answered to God for.  Does that scare you a bit? Good!!!! Fear in the Lord is a good thing!!!!  So instead of talking about the other person or that persons faults, say let's talk about ME, and what I need to change :)

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